Somniphobia [Empires S2] (Hurt/Comfort) {Olix}

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Woowww, two phobia based oneshots in a row? Yeah! I just had to idea for both of them around the same time. Well, this is Oli hurt/comfort. And, well, Olix cuz it's just such a cute ship.

The idea of Oli having Somniphobia (Fear of sleep) came from A_Fanfic_Queen 's MCYT Headcannons! I suggest you go check out their stuff if you haven't read any of it before, it's honestly amazing. She writes stuff of Empires, Hermitcraft, and Life series, so honestly you should go at least check out one of their books (They have a TON of books)

The Olix ship also was kinda influcenced by them. She had been doing "Olix propaganda" as they mentioned on one of their conversion's tab posts. Honestly, might have worked on me...

Alright, enough of my fangirling over another writer's work, enjoy this oneshot!


His eyes blinked tiredly, glancing around the large area around him. A smile crept onto his face, his feet continuing along the road. "Wowwwww..."

"Oh, hello there!" A smiley archaeologist waved. The bard's attention was brought over to the man who was just leaving the catacombs. "Pix! Hi there!" Oli waved back, skipping over. "How are you today, Oli?" Pix raised an eyebrow to the happy blonde.

"I'm..." Oli blanked. How was he doing today? What had he even come over here for? "Oli?" Pixlriffs looked concerned. "-Great! I'm great!" Oli smiled, hands on hips.

"You sure? You seem a bit tired."

Oli let out a soft chuckle, "I'm doing just great!"

"Oli." Pix stepped forwards, getting surprisingly close to the smaller boy. He placed a hand on Oli's chin, getting him to look up, while he leaned in to look better. "When was the last time you slept? You look really tired."

"I- Ummm..." A pink spread over the bard's cheeks, quickly stepping back, "I was asleep recently! I slept... Ummm..."

Sleep. God, did sleep terrify him.

"Oli, you really need sleep. It's unhealthy."

"I'm perfectly healthy! I eat my greens!"

Pix let out a long sigh, "Oli, please, when was the last time you slept."

"I- I don't know..." Oli finally gave in, "I'm honestly not sure. Maybe like a week? Or two? Or was it even longer..."

"Oli, you need to get some sleep!"


Pix paused. Who would refuse sleeping? Well, someone might if they were working on something during that time, but just to for seemingly no reason... That was odd. "Oli, you should at least try to get some sleep." "I don't want to..." "What if I give you cuddles?" Pix offered. Oli always seemed to like cuddles. "I- Ummm... Fine. Do... do you have somewhere I can stay for the night?"

"Oh, yeah, I don't really have a house for myself..."

"We could head to my tent!"

"That's way too far. I don't trust you to fly with being so tired."

"I'm not tired!"

"Sure... Why don't we head over to Chromia to stay the night there? They have a tavern, with rooms. I'm sure Scott would have no problem with that."

Oli sighed, finally agreeing. The archaeologist smiled, before taking Oli's hand. Oli guess they would be taking the long way...

"Oh, Pix. Oh- and Oli? Lovely to see you." Scott gave a short wave. "Hello Scott! Sorry for any intrusion!" Pix said. "Did you come to Chromia for any reason? A trade?" "No, actually, I was wondering if we could stay a night at your tavern."

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