Poet and A Princess [HC](Fluff){ZombieCleo & Joehills}

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Not a ship, just Cleo and Joe as friends. One swear said in this oneshot.

Also: Royality AU! Royal Cleo

I wrote two poems for this, sooooooo yeahhhh... I'm not very good at poetry, so don't criticize it too much.

Anyways, enjoy!


"Howdy! I'm Joe Hills, who are you!?"

"Gah- Where- where did you just come from?"

"Wow... Nice accent! And- um- I came from Nashville Tennessee!"

"I was mainly wondering how you showed up out of nowhere, not where you came from."

"Oh- Maybe you should have been more clear?"

"Also, to answer your question, I'm Cleo. Cleo Zombie, though people often call me Zombie Cleo. Or the Zombie princess."

"You're a princess!? That's so cool! I should write you a poem!"

"A... a poem?"

"Mhm! That's my speciality! I want to be a poet when I'm older!"

"I see. Go on then?"

"Lets see...

Zombie Cleo.

A princess with flame hair

She holds no shame

Her green skin with every stitch

Everything without a hitch

Oh so pretty

I bet she's quite witty."


"That sounds like sarcasm... Sorry, I'm probably not good enough to write poems for a princess."

"No- No, that's not sarcasm, my voice just sounds like that. Honestly, that was pretty good. Would you- probably not what I should do as a princess, but fuck it- Would you like to be my friend?"

"Friends... With a princess... Wow- friends with anyone even... Yes- Yes, I would love to be your friend!"

A long sigh was released from the red haired princess. "You alright?" The brunette sitting behind them questioned.

"Being queen seems so boring. Do I really have to?"

"Well, I think you kinda need to. Your parents are dead, and you have no siblings. Plus, once you become queen you can officially hire me!"

"Hire you as my poet?"

"If you want."

Cleo laughed slightly, "Of course I would want to."

"Alright, if you say so- Ooh, done!" Joe flipped the brushed orange hair over the zombie's shoulder. "Sadly I don't think I can stay with you through your whole process of getting ready."


"I have to go make sure everything is how you wanted it! Can't have things messed up on such an important day!" Joe hopped up from his seat, walking around to the front of the princess, "See you in a few hours?"

"See you." Cleo gave a short wave, Joe walked off, them calling out just before the boy was out of view, "If you miss my coronation, I'll break your legs again!"


Footsteps tapped along the floor. The crowd murmured, seeing the princess for one of the few times. "Today, we are here for Princess Zombie Cleo's coronation. Quiet down for her majesty."

Cleo scoffed quietly at the cleric reading off the lines. Chatter in the large crowd quieted down a bit. The flame haired zombie glanced around at the people officiating the coronation. The head cleric. A few others from the church. Guards. A few staff.

Where was Joe?

A sigh passed through their lips, walking along the stiff carpet. One of the church staff held the box that contained the crown, visible through the glass.

Her eyes glanced to the side of the open room, where a certain someone stumbled out, joining with the castle staff. He looked out of place, with a simple t-shirt, and jeans.

"With no queen or king, their daughter-"

"Kid..." Cleo muttered under their breath.

"-Will be taking up place as queen. May we call her our queen, and may she have a long life." The cleric reached over to the crown, removed the glass off. He reached for it, stopping as Cleo loudly cleared their throat.

"I have request before I am crowned." Cleo stated loudly, the crowd going fully silent.

"And that may be?"

"I would like for my closest friend, and companion to give a poem." Her head had turned in Joe's direction, "Joe Hills. If you will?"

With everyone silent, Joe slowly made his way closer to the princess. "Right- um- Good thing I had one prepared for this!" Joe checked through his pockets quickly, a few papers filling out, left on the ground. He finally picked one out, unfolding it. With a clear of his voice, he began.

"With the crown upon their head

With the coronation read

She is named queen.

They will never get old

With a heart made of gold

But sharp as stone

She sits upon their throne

Long live the Zombie queen"

She leaned down, the cleric placing the crown onto their head. The crowd erupted into applause and cheers.

"Long live the Zombie queen."

"I'm so tired." Joe fell backwards onto the fluffy bed of the now queen. "That poem you read was great." Cleo smiled.

"So great that you'll hire me as your official poet?"

"No, I have a better idea. My personal assistant."

"Really!? I- I'm not professional at all, I'm going to mess up everything..."

"And? We will still have fun. This way, you can always be at my side."

"You are the greatest friend ever. And I still have my legs intact!"

Cleo burst out laughing at that.

(761 words)

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