An Imaginary World [HC] (Angst) {Xisuma}

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Sooooo... I don't know why I wrote this- it's extremely sad. Also, highschool AU wooooooo. Also, the main reason this is so sad: AU where Xisuma just imagined up all of hermitcraft.



Mention of alcohol



Anyway, enjoy- well, enjoy as much as you're able to...


His pencil drew across the paper, etching over the line again and again. "Oi- loser, whatcha drawing this time?"

The notebook was snatched away, a group of kids gathering. Tears flooded the purple eyes that sat under a tinted visor. "Ha! Look at this, he's drawing his imaginary friends!"

"Oh my god, really? We're in highschool, what a loser!"

"So pathetic."

The boy tried reaching up for the notebook, it being pulled farther away. "What, trying to get your stupid notebook back, nerd?"

"G-give it back... Please..."

"So pathetic he can't even speak up! Did you hear how squeaky his voice was!"

"Give it back to me... Now..."

Laughter filled the air. "Hear that- hear that!? Sounds like he's trying to talk!"

"Give it back to me!" He finally yelled, standing up. He snatched it from the older kid's hand. The kids who bullied him always forgot that he was tall enough to easily reach things when they held them up like that.

"Going back to drawing your imaginary friends, Void?"

"None of your business." Xisuma snatched up his bag, and pencil, rushing out of the cramped classroom. Tears ran down his face as he made his way through the loud halls. The courtyard soon came into view. Nobody really hung out there, so it was peaceful.

He made his way to the large tree that sat in the middle, sitting against it. He glanced over one of the many pages of his notebook.

Two new characters...

A frown fell over his face. No, nothing with his notebook. It was just the thoughts of everything else. Why did so many people think he was weird?

Another person slipped next to him. "Whatcha moping about this time?"

"Just... thinking..." Xisuma answered quietly.

"Are people making fun of you again?" Xisuma felt a hand on his chin, his face forced to face the other boy. "Your eyes are stained with tears. What happened this time?"

Xisuma pushed the hand off, "Same as always. Doesn't matter."

"When you are constantly upset, it definitely does matter! I care about you, brother."

"Stay out of this, Xauthus..."

"Brother, I'm just trying to help. I'll beat them up if I need to!"

"Just... stay out of it..."

Xauthus let out a long sigh, before just asking, "What are the drawings you have in your notebook? I see you draw in it a lot, what is in it?"

"You'll just make fun of me..."

"No, I won't. Tell me about the drawings."

Xisuma sighed, flipping open to one of the earlier pages. "It's... It has my imaginary world in it. I call it Hermitcraft. It's an escape from the real world. A fantasy world that I wish I could have..."

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