It worked once again Part 1[HC 7/YHS/Evo] (Fluff?) {Grian}

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This was requested by clearly_undeadLemon

Also, I am going to split this into two parts, cuz it's taken me three days just to write this part of it, so hopefully it won't be too long of a wait for the second part! Anyways, enjoy~

Also, future author note, I realize that they would actually be roses, not poppies that Grian orignally used for the summoning platform, but let's just ignore that...


He placed a poppy, finishing the row. Another day without him. The small boy smiled, turning back to his creation, the water drained from his sea. The chatter of minecarts alerted the admin of people. He said farewell to the summoning platform, walking towards his cobblestone structure. "Ah, the property police. What do I owe the pleasure..?" He muttered, glancing to the blondes stepping away from the glitchy railway. He wanted to be alone. Alone, or with his missing friend. He was called a hermit.

Grian's face broke into a grin, looking around the wonderful build his friend had created. "Goodness, Scar, this is beautiful!" The brunette smiled back, "Of course! My wizard magic is all to thank." The forest seemed to sparkle around the magical village. Grian glanced, eyes falling over a poppy. "A poppy... A beautiful flower, 'innit?" The strawberry blonde crouched down beside the red flower.

"Hm? Poppy's are pretty, but I would say there are many prettier flowers." Scar answered honestly, cocking his head slightly. His friend looked at it intently, finally glancing away when Scar asked, "Is there a reason you like poppies"

"They were one of my friend's favourite flowers!" Grian bounced to his feet, "I should get going. Y'know, I have backs of mansions to work on." "A-alright! Do you want to look around the village together a bit more later, or will you look in your free time?" Scar asked. "Free time." With that, the British hermit shot off quickly, rockets propelling him quickly.

He had no plans to work on the back of the mansion. He missed his friend. The summoning platform worked once, it must work again, right? He missed more than just Taurtis. He missed the people who carried for him. The one who tried to protect him. The one who loved him.

The night turned to days. Each flower. Dirt covered his hands, and clothes. The communicator buzzed against his wrist. After he finished, he finally checked it.

[Renthedog] Hey G

[Renthedog] do you have anymore gunpowder I could buy off you?

[Renthedog] G?

[GoodtimewithScar] Im not sure why he isnt responding but i can get you some

[GoodtimewithScar] How much?

[Renthedog] Like 5 stacks?

[GoodtimewithScar] k, ill get oyu that

[MumboJumbo] I'll check on Grian, he might be overworking himself again

[MumboJumbo] Ummmm, I can't find him. He isn't working on his base, and he isn't at the desert collecting sand

[MumboJumbo] Also not where he collects gravel

[StressMonster101] Gri are you okay?

[XisumaVoid] If he doesn't respond soon, we can do a full search.

That was only earlier that day. They didn't notice his disappearance for days. Before responding, he decided to get changed into someone cleaner. The red was stained with dirt and grass stains. Grian sighed, brushing though his tangled, dirty hair. He was tired, and hopeful. He knew there was no reason the summoning platform would work on a server like hermitcraft, but he had to try. Stubborn. That's what he was.

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