Aichmophobia [HC 7] (Angst|Hurt/comfort?) {Tango}

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This is an AU! It's one that is based off a personal HC book I'm writing in my free time. I call it the Escape AU (cuz the book I'm writing is called Escape).

Basic explanation: It's a world where hybrids are rare and considered dangerous. They are shunned from society, and are commonly experimented on. Most hybrids never see the light of day after being taken, but there are the few that manage to escape from these contaminants. Most of the hybrids that are on hermitcraft had been taken into these experiment camps at one point or another. Grian, Jevin, Ren, Tango, Cleo, Impulse, Pearl, and Gem all have been a part of these experiments. Doc never had, as he stayed hidden for so long, and the one time he almost got captured, he was strong enough to escape. Zedaph was basically forcefully hidden for all of his childhood, and his parents paid off the scientists the few times he got taken. Basically all the hermits who had been in these experiments have PTSD from it.

Anyways, sorry for the long explanation (If you are too lazy to read it all, just reading the first two sentences will give you a good enough idea.) On to the oneshot! Enjoy!


"I'm not scared of anything!"

"He so is. He has ailurophobia, the fear of cats." Bdubs mentioned, pulling the proud, now embarrassed, creeper hybrid to a seat.

"It's instinct! I have no control over it... It's a creeper thing." Doc mentioned.

"Ooh, what phobias do other people have?" Zedaph asked. A few people mentioned things. "Claustrophobia." Bdubs mentioned. "Spectrophobia." False said, before adding, "That's the fear of mirrors."

"Iatrophobia, it's the fear of medical tests and doctors." Jevin said. "Actually, yeah, same, dude." Ren mentioned. "Oh... Ummm... Y-yeah, same." Tango added to the conversion. Grian nodded a bit, quietly saying, "S-same..."

"Why do like- four of our hermits have the same phobia?" Cub pointed out. The four of them looked amongst themselves.

"What's similar about all of us?" Ren mentioned.

"All hermits!" Scar said, before getting elbowed by Cub.

"Well no duh!" Cub told him, before actually thinking about it.

The hermits thought about it for a bit. It was clear that there were a few, notably Xisuma, Doc, Zedaph, and Impulse, who already fully understood. "Doc, stop looking at me like I'm dumb..." Bdubs muttered, still thinking about it.

Grian fluttered his wings.

Tango let his wings, and tail out.

Jevin didn't do anything. He just sat there. Being his slime self.

Ren's tail was moving visibly.

"All hybrids?" Beef asked.

"Finally someone understands..." Jevin mumbled, relieved.

"If you guys want, we can shift the conversion away." Xisuma mentioned, "If you aren't comfortable talking about it." The four of them looked amongst themselves. "I don't care, but if you guys want." Jevin said. "I'm fine talking about it! It was so long ago for me!" Ren smiled. "I don't care that much... If I need, I can put earbuds in, and cuddle with Scar if it gets too much." Grian mentioned.

That left Tango.

He didn't want to continue the conversion.

He didn't want any of this being brought up, pertaining to him.


He didn't want to be the only one saying no. That would be awkward.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine with it." Tango smiled, hoping his voice didn't show his nervousness. Well, he has been told that he often sounds nervous, even when he isn't at all. They might just think it's that...

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