Not Ready to Grow Up [HC 7](Drabble|Hurt){Scar}

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Kinda thought up this idea after listening to the song "Older" by Alec Benjamin (If you haven't heard it, I suggest you do. It's amazing.)

Well, enjoy sad Scar


Scar giggled, watching as Jellie swatted at a small bug in the air. He scooped up the small cat in a hug, "Jellie, you are just the cutest!" He petted her head till she finally relaxed in his arms.

He carefully placed the now sleepy cat into her bed, skipping off to see if any of the hermits were free.

Arriving in the shopping district, Scar spotted Cub. He happily rushed over, pulling Cub into a tight hug from behind. "Cub!"

Cubfan let out a surprised noise, before chuckling, "Hey, Scar."

"Cub, are you free today? If you are, we should have a sleepover!"

"A sleepover? You are so childish, Scar, still think it could be fun though." Cub smiled, before checking his communicator, "Though... I'm a bit busy. Sorry, buddy. Another time?"

"Oh..." Scar frowned, before smiling again, "yeah- yeah, another time!"

Cub gave a short goodbye, before rushing off.


Scar wasn't childish! "Hmph! I'll just find someone else to do something with!"


"Hello there, Scar!"

"Are you free today? Want to hangout, like- a sleepover?"

"Sorry, I'm busy with some building stuff. Not up for a sleepover right now, sorry."

"Oh- alright!"

"Ren! Ren-diggity-dog! How are you?"

"I'm good, dude. You?"

"I'm doing great!" Scar paused before asking, "Are you free?"

"Might be. I'll have to check."

"Well, if you're not, what do you think about a sleepover?"

"A... sleepover? What would we even do, dude?"

"I don't know... Talk, play games, or if we get more people we could play something like truth or dare!"

"I haven't played truth or dare since highschool. Also, I don't think I am free, sadly. Need to do some restocking."

"Oh... A-alright!"

Ren flew off soon.

"But... his only shop is his Logz Inc... It doesn't take that long to restock that..." Scar muttered to himself.

"Sorry, busy."

"I'm a bit tired."

"Oh- like, a sleepover? Actually? Do adults do sleepovers?"

Scar bonked his head against the wall behind him as he laid down. "Why won't anyone hangout..." He honestly felt like crying. Were people making excuses? I sounded like Ren was. Maybe people just didn't want to hangout with him.

Or they didn't want to do something so 'childish.'

Scar scoffed at that word. Childish. He wasn't childish! Yeah- he might still want to do things similar to when he was younger. Maybe he felt like he lost out on all those experiences. Being a child was so much easier.

He never wanted to grow up.

He just wanted that carefree life.

He didn't want responsibility.

It was too difficult.

He wanted his childhood back.

"No- no, Scar don't think like that. Adulthood is great! I- I get to be independent, and- and I- I... I can do what I want!" Scar tried to convince himself. He liked his life now- he really did- but childhood was so much easier. He had all the responsibilities of a mayor. Why did he choose to run? He didn't know anymore. Grian made everything so much more difficult with that stupid resistance.

It kinda was like a game, though. He could just have fun, even when it was a pain.

Being childish wasn't bad, was it? Scar liked the idea of being in his childhood again. Did that make him childish? He never wanted to grow up.

He was never ready.

But everyone has to grow up sometime.

(526 words)

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