Faked [HC] (Fluff?) {Bdoc}

406 17 21

Modarn AU, cuz why not. And Bdoc because it's hella cute.



Bdubs sighed, taking another sip of his drink. His friends had convinced him to come to the bar with them, and ran off to do other things as soon as getting there.

It wasn't that Bdubs was against a good drink, it was just that he always felt weird in those environments. Plus, the few times someone did flirt with him, he messed it up! Single forever was his fate...

"Another drink, luv?" Bdubs glanced up to the bartender. She was a short girl, with brown hair, and a pink flower crown on her head. From Bdubs' time here so far, he could tell she was nice. And being the awkward boy he was, when she first called him luv, he thought she was flirting. Turns out she just did that with everyone... At Least the two of them just laughed it off, and it wasn't too awkward afterwards.

"Yeah, sure, why not?" Bdubs pushed his empty glass back to her. He looked out to the room as she prepared the alcohol. He could see Tango and Impulse not too far away, talking with a short, blonde goat hybrid. If Bdubs had to guess, the netherspawn were probably trying to flirt with him. If he could remember correctly, that boy seemed like just their type. Keralis was at a table, betting with someone. Gambling addict... Xisuma was standing beside Keralis at the table, awkwardly. Xisuma didn't like loud spaces like that the most, so he just stayed with Keralis most of the time.

"Come here with some friends of yours?" Bdubs turned back to the bartender, his now full drink being slid to him. "Yep... but they went off to do their own things... Ugh, they convince me to finally come with them to a bar, and then desert me..."

"Aw, that sucks." She gave a comforting smile as Bdubs took a sip of his drink. Someone called for her, so she rushed off. Bdubs sat alone.

He turned back to face the room. Someone caught his eye. Someone really tall... He had green skin, probably a creeper hybrid, and looked to be partly... mechanical? Like a cyborg. All of this weird look also included swirly goat horns. Bdubs didn't know why his face flushed looking at that hybrid...

He shook his head. He needed to stop being so gay for random strangers! Plus, it looked like he was flirting with some girl that stood next to him. She was being really touchy with him... She had put her arms around his neck a few times, along with touching his arm a lot. Bdubs thought one time he even saw her put her hands on his chest. They were probably dating...

Bdubs scoffed, looking back into his drink. Was he jealous... Over some stranger who was way too tall for his own good!? Never! That's what he told himself, but it was obviously a lie.

He took a sip, letting the semi sweet drink sit on his tongue for a moment.

"E-excuse me." A voice spoke from behind him... They had a grumbly, deep German accent. Bdubs thought his face might just be pink from how hot that voice was...

The wide eyed boy turned to face the person, seeing none other than the hybrid. The girl who was being really touchy with him was nowhere to be seen.

"D-do you... do you need something?" Bdubs cursed at himself for the voice crack, causing his voice to go high pitched.

"I have an odd request." He said quickly.

Bdubs gestured to the seat next to him, the hybrid taking the seat. Even sitting down, he was way taller than the brunette!!! While Bdubs' feet barely touched the ground, the cyborg was slightly crunched.

"I have a bit of a problem, so I believe we need to talk quickly." He said, glancing nervously over his shoulder.

"Go on..?"

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