Need it done... [Empires S2] (hurt/comfort?) {Olix}

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This was a request! This request was from 

It was requested for hurt/comfort Olix! (Might has written it more like fluff, but idk...)

Wooo, sleep deprived Pix (And a small refrence back to another oneshot of my "somniphobia" which is about Oli's fear of sleep)


Eyes dreary... Darkness sat above. Block after block... He needed it done.

They needed it just as history told it...

Every movement ached.

Rockets sounded overhead but they paid no mind. He needed to do this.

Why did his health matter? What mattered was re-building history.

"Pix..? Pixl? Pixlriffs? Pix, Pix, Pix, are you listening to me!?"

With a few blinks, the archaeologist finally realized someone was trying to speak to him. They turned to see a familiar blonde. "Pix, you finally noticed me?"

"Uh- yeah, sorry, Oli..." Pix chuckled, letting out a small yawn.

"Hm?" Oli took a step forward, glancing up at Pix's face, "You look really tired..."

"I'm fine-"

"When did you last sleep?"

"Oli, I'm fine..."

"Don't avoid the question." Oli placed a hand on Pix's check, getting the taller to lean down slightly, "Your eyebags are darker than normal. Visually so. I know that you naturally have dark eyebags, but this is worse than normal."

"I need to get this done..."

"So, to do that, you're depriving yourself of sleep?"

"I didn't say that..."

"But you implied it." Oli took Pix's hand, "Let's get you to sleep."

"You are one to talk-"

"I've been at least trying to get better." Oli reminded the brunette, dragging them along. Oli pulled the other all the way to the small storage room that Pix had been using for temporary housing.

"I don't need to sleep, Oli. I need to finish building."

"You most definitely need sleep. Y'know, like you've said to me, 'it's unhealthy'."

"Whatever. Preserving history matters more than me."

Oli pulled Pix to a seat on the bed, sitting next to him. "History is in the past. As much as it can be important to preserve it, what matters more is the present. That means, your health."


"Pix, please."

"I need to finish this-"

"Pix, calm down. You need sleep."

Before Pix could speak again, Oli placed a hand softly over the other's mouth. Pix attempted to push away the arm, but was unable to. Oli wasn't very strong, but Pix was fairly weak from the lack of sleep. And eating... But Oli didn't need to know about that.

Oli removed his hand, pulling Pix into a tight hug. "Please... What do I need to do for you to go to sleep?"

"You don't need to do anything, Oli."

"Then go to sleep."


"Then what can I do to help?"

"I don't know..." Pix mumbled, looking to the bard. His eyes soon tracked to the lute that sat on Oli's back.

"Lay down." Oli instructed, Pix sighing as he listened. Oli seemed to have noticed what Pix had glanced at, taking the lute from his back. "Close your eyes... And just let yourself relax, and sleep once it wants to."

With no more words spoken between the two, Oli plucked at the strings. A small tune flowed through the small room, Pix's breathing slowly slightly. Goodness, did it feel like Pix could drift to sleep at any moment.

It was like magic.

Well, Oli's lute was magic, they always needed to remind himself. He had no idea if that lute had the magic to put someone to sleep but it sure did feel like it.

Or maybe it was Oli himself...

(510 words)

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