An Imaginary World part 2 [HC 7] (Fluff) {Void Brothers}

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Alternate Oneshot Name: Just as He Designed

Now, as much as this is fluff, it is still a bit sad. I mean, of course it is when it's the part two to an extreme angst oneshot. It's better than my orginal plan, which was just to have Xauthus go on a murder spree to all of those who made his brother's life hell.

Again, much different AU to normal: Xauthus (Evil Xisuma) was the one to create hermitcraft, basing it as accurately as he could off what Xisuma had imagined.


Mention of Suicide

Self harm scars


His feet dragged along the floor. They made it's way into the empty classroom. He flicked on the light. One piece of paper sat on the floor.


They stepped forward, picking up the note.

"Kill yourself loser..." He read off the note. "They... they all did this..."

Xauthus let out a long sigh, crumpling the note roughly. It wished he had fire powers. It would make it so much easier... They wished to burn down the whole town. He wished to destroy it all for what they did to Xisuma.


"Gah- What?" He sat up quickly, the blonde knight looking at it with a worried expression.

"Somethings wrong, isn't it?"

"What do you mean...?"

"Xauthus, I'm not stupid." Wels stared into the helmeted admin intently.

"Wels, everything is fine."

"You sure? Do you need me to get Keralis?"

"No- No, that won't be necessary." Xauthus stated, getting up. They grabbed a notebook off his table, walking past the worried knight. He headed out into the spring air. The flowers were painful. Even if it took up the good persona, they still preferred the nether.

Air brushed past its face. He opened up the notebook, flipping to the final filled out page. "Their names are Geminitay, and Pearlescentmoon..."

And still. He wasn't back.

Well, Xauthus had no reason to know that the person he did this for was still out there. He had built a community. Somehow, Xauthus was able to find the 'characters' Xisuma had created, down to exact looks and names.

Was it all fate?

"This is all stupid... Why did I ever think this would work..?" Xauthus internally cursed at himself.

"Xauthus!" A loud voice called out, "Xauthus, Zedaph found someone hurt in the nether!"

"What?" Xauthus turned quickly to the voice of Impulse, "A player?"

"Yeah. He looks extremely hurt. He was bleeding profusely. Zedaph got Stress to bandage him up, but he has refused to rest." Impulse explained quickly.

"Take me there."

"Xauthus, thank goodness you are here!" Stress rushed over, "He won't go to sleep, and is refusing to believe we are real."

"Refusing to believe you are real...?"

"He keeps saying stuff like, 'I must be hallucinating again,' and 'leave me alone, I can't get my hopes up.' I'm really concerned."

"Bring me in." Xauthus stated, Stress leading the admin into another room. There, Xauthus spotted Joe trying to calm down someone he couldn't fully see. The person was curled in the corner, with Joehills sitting in front of him.

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