So... This is Me? [HC 9] (Fluff) {Mumbo}

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Wooooooo! This oneshot is fully based off a headcannon I have that I've never actually seen anyone else have. What is it? Asexual, aromantic Mumbo Jumbo. It's just a headcannon I love! I always imagine it takes so long (till season 9) for him to figure it out, saying that he's pan until actually figuring it out. This also has my ace aro False, and ace aro-spectrum Xisuma, Pearl, and Wels headcannons.

This is actually the main reason I don't write Grumbo, and do Scarian (Well, other than the fact that Scarian is just so cute!)

Anyways, enjoy Mumbo being a spoon!


It was confusing. It was all confusing. The mustached hermit let out a long sigh, kicking his legs against the edge of his bed. He didn't understand... He didn't understand it at all. What, you may ask, did he not understand? Love. He just didn't understand.

Lots of the other hermits found love, why couldn't he? He had had crushes on lots of the other hermits, but he never ended up telling anyone. The 'crushes' faded super quickly anyway. The one time Mumbo had tried to tell someone, the person explained why Mumbo just liked him as a friend.

"Grian... I think I like you." Grian blinked a few times, before blankly stating, "No you don't." "What..?" "Mumbo, I have known you since childhood, and I can guarantee you don't like me in a romantic way." "Well? Explain then?" "Okay, first, can you actually imagine yourself in a romantic relationship with me?" "I guess?" "Is it any different from our friendship?" "It's basically the same... Just more cuddles?" "When you think of me, does your body actually have any reaction?" "No." "Does seeing me make you happy?" "Yes!" "Any more than the other hermits?" "A bit..?" "So not a significant amount?" "Mhm." "That's just me being your best friend." "I guess I have a hard time figuring out between romantic and platonic... Ughhhhh, that makes things so difficult..." Grian laughed at his friend, the other giving a short playful glare.

Mumbo wasn't really sure even now, years later, what the difference between romantic and platonic was. He slipped from the top of his vault, shooting off. He wanted to talk to someone about this... Who? He had no idea.

After flying around the server for a few hours, he had nobody he wanted to talk to. Grian, maybe, but the blonde would probably just laugh at him. He checked the time, realizing that the hermit hangout that was planned was in just a minute. It would be his first one since being back...

"Mumby!" Mumbo chuckled as the small blonde tackled him in a hug. "Hey, G." Mumbo held Grian in a close hug, before finally letting him go. Mumbo was greeted by lots of the hermits. They all sat down, just talking, and hanging out. What they always did.

The conversion shifted to sexuality, and LGBTQ+ identities at one point. "It's so great having the hermit community! I never get misgender!" Iskall smiled happily. "We also never get hate crimed just for kissing someone of the same gender..." Doc added. "And we can always have the best pride months!" Grian flung his arms in the air in excitement.

"Truely." Xisuma smiled, "Most of us our part of the LGBTQ+ community, so it's fully a safe space."

Mumbo smiled. He knew everyone felt safe here, and that made him so happy. He knew that a lot of hermits didn't have good pasts, and to see them so happy here was such a comfort. Everyone started talking to the people beside them, mainly still on the topic of LGBTQ+. "Mumbo, did you ever figure out your identity?" Iskall asked, leaning against the boy he asked. "I've been saying pan for a while." Mumbo mentioned, "Why are you asking?" "Well... Identities can change, and it can be hard to figure out identities." "Iskall, what are you suggesting?"

Iskall just whistled, ignoring Mumbo's question. Mumbo sighed, shifting Iskall off him, placing them to lean against Stress.

"Honestly, being ace aro can be hard."

"Yeah, it can be, though it can also be way easier. We don't need relationships!"

Mumbo's attention was brought to the four hermits not too far from him who were chatting. False, Wels, Xisuma, and Pearl.

"You are lucky, False. Being fully ace aro is way easier, than being on the aro spectrum. I still want to have a relationship, but I don't have the attraction..." Pearl let out an annoyed sigh.

"Yeah, Pearl makes a good point." Xisuma mentioned.

Ace aro...? Mumbo hadn't heard the term. He had heard ace, but he wasn't 100% sure what it meant. He felt awkward just asking them what it meant. He also felt awkward just listening in.

The pains of being a spoon.

Doc soon came over to him, and the two of them chatted about redstone for most of the rest of the hangout. The term still hung over his head... Ace aro... What does that mean? By the end of the hangout, Mumbo was ready to do some research.

"Cleo... Help..." Mumbo mumbled, walking over to the zombie in the shopping district. "Oh- you alright there, Mumbo?" She chuckled. "I wanted to research something, then I remembered I don't have much of a way to actually research, so I've been walking around being sad." Mumbo explained.

"And you came to me..?"


"Alright, what is it that you are trying to research?"

Mumbo sighed, before asking, a slight pink of embarrassment over his cheeks, "What does ace aro mean..?"

Cleo almost burst out laugh, but was just able to keep it in. "This- this is what you've been stressing about? You are such a spoon." "Oh, be quiet..." "Well, shall I explain ace aro to you?" "Mhm. It would help."

"Ace aro are two different terms, in their shortened forms. Ace means asexual. It's the lack of sexual attraction. This doesn't mean they don't want romantic or sexual relationships, just that they don't have sexual attraction." Cleo explained, before going onto aro, "Aro is aromantic. This one is the lack of romantic attraction. Both of these are a spectrum. Like, demisexual or demiromantic, where you only feel said attraction after a strong emotional connection with the person. There are a ton of other identities on the spectrum."

Ace aro. Asexual. Aromantic. Mumbo stood there frozen as it all rushed through his head. It wasn't that he was pan, and had equal attraction to all genders. It was that he had none... "Oh, thank you, Cleo!"

"No problem-" Cleo was cut off as Mumbo shot off with rockets.

He needed to figure this out... If he had just known sooner- it would have saved him so much time! So much wasted time!!! God, he felt so stupid!

"Grian! Oh my goodness, Grian! I just- I have to tell you about this!" Grian turned away from the now broken rift to face his friend. "What is it now, Mumby?"

"Okay, okay, so! At the hangout, when people were chatting about the lgbtq+ stuff, I overheard False, Wels, Xisuma, and Pearl, and they referenced a term I didn't know. I asked Cleo about it, and- and I think I've found my identity!"

Grian walked over, pulling Mumbo into a hug. "That's wonderful to hear! May I ask what term?"

"Ace aro. Or- Or asexual and aromantic! It just works so well for me! I thought it was equal attraction to all genders, but it turned out it was none..."

"You are such a spoon-" Grian booped on Mumbo's nose, "But I'm glad you figured yourself out. I'm proud, Mumbo!"

Mumbo's face hurt from smiling so much. "Grian, can I get some cuddles?" "Of course. First, let me finish some stuff at the rift- well, burnt out rift."


(1173 words)

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