If We Only Had One Last Day [HC 8] (Fluff/Angst) {Bdoc}

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By fluff/angst, I mean it starts as fluff, and it's really cute but then turns to angst.

I used google translate for the tiny bit of German, so it might be wrong... I'll mention what it is supposed to mean in the comments. If you know German, and it is wrong, feel free to correct it.

Anyways, enjoy!


Bdubs opened his door to the last person he expected to see. "Whatcha' here for?" The shorter raised an eyebrow.

"Could we hangout... A date?" Doc questioned, his tone seeming serious.

"Um... Sure. Anything planned?" Bdubs smiled at the creeper hybrid, who quickly took his hand. Doc brought the tanned builder with him along one of the trails. Bdubs followed along happily, not questioning it much. Doc always did weird things.

Soon, Bdubs found himself and Doc in a clearing of the forest, a bit off the trail. It was lit up with froglights, with some pillows and blankets on the ground. "I hope the froglights make it light enough. I know how you hate the dark."

Bdubs turned to Doc, a smile on his face. He wrapped his arms around Doc's neck, giving him a quick peck on the lips. "I love it. And I love you."

The two of them took a seat on the blanket, with the pillows, Bdubs cuddling into Doc's chest. Doc planted a kiss on Bdubs' head.

"Is there anything you want to do today?" Doc asked.

"Hm? I don't know..."

"Anything in general that you want to do at some point in your life."

"I guess a few things?"

"What are they? I want to make this day count."

"Hmmm... Let's think... Well, there are a few things I thought of as cute date ideas." Bdubs hummed slightly, before mentioning, "I always wanted to do some baking with you."

"Sure. Your place?"

"R-right now? What about your set up here?"

"We can come back here late. We need to make everything count."

Bdubs wasn't exactly sure why Doc was so focused on 'making everything count' and 'making this day count.' They could do any of these things the next day if they wanted. He wasn't complaining though. Bdubs took Doc's hand, pulling him up.

"Ow!" Doc hissed out a few words in german -probably swears if Bdubs had to guess- as he burnt his hand on the edge of the cookie sheet. "Careful there!" Bdubs grabbed Doc's arm quickly, forcing his hand under the sink, running cold water over it. After a minute or two, Bdubs let Doc dry off his hand.

"It still hurts." Doc complained. "Since when do you complain about getting hurt?" "It hurts." Doc repeated, extending his arm towards the brunette.

"Do you... do you need a bandaid, or do you want me to kiss it better?"


Bdubs sighed, with a smile on his face. He gently grabbed Doc's hand, kissing where he had burnt it. "Bdubs, I think my lips hurt." Doc stated. Bdubs' face went pink, staring up at the taller creeper hybrid, a smug smirk on the German's face, "Was that just a setup for that pickup line..?"

Doc chuckled, "Maybe..."

Bdubs set his speaker down, stepping back towards Doc. He took the taller's right hand, holding it out slightly. "Now, you would take this hand-" Bdubs took Doc's left hand, "-and put it here." He guided Doc's hand to his waist, putting his own hand on the hybrid's shoulder.

"Now... We step." Bdubs took a step, Doc trying miserably to follow it. "And now the other foot."

Bdubs chuckled as Doc's unsure movements. "And we repeat."


The two of them crashed to the ground as Doc tripped over one of Bdubs' feet. The two of them landed onto the ground. Bdubs laid on the ground, Doc over him. Doc, attempting to not crush Bdubs, had his hands on the ground beside Bdubs' head to stop himself from falling on the small boy. A bit of an... embarrassing pose?

Bdubs' face went red in an instant, Doc flushing a darker green. Quickly, Doc got up, offering a hand to Bdubs. "I- I'm sorry-" Bdubs chuckled, interrupting the creeper's apology, "Don't worry about it Doc..."

"I have no coordination... I can't dance."

"One thing I'm better than you at. I'll just have to teach you!" Bdubs paused, letting out a small giggle, "But I think that can wait for another time."

"Another... another time...?"

"Of course!" Bdubs' smile was wide, Doc looking at the boy with sad eyes.

He doesn't know... Do- do I tell him?

Doc's thoughts were interrupted with Bdubs' pulling his arm. "Come on! We should make dinner together!"

"Y-yeah... Sure!"

"Well, this has been the best day of my life!" Bdubs smiled widely, a pink painting his cheeks.

"Same..." Doc let out a sigh, before pulling Bdubs close. He initiated a kiss, the two just letting the world fall silent around them. Finally they pulled away, a sad smile on Doc's face.

"It's getting late. I should head to bed."

"I'm going to miss you..." Doc mumbled.

"Hm? I can visit you tomorrow if you want!" Bdubs' smile didn't waver, staring up at his boyfriend.

"I hope you get out safely..." Doc kissed Bdubs' head, tears filling his eyes. Bdubs giggled, "You spout some weird stuff! Anyways, good night! Have a safe time home! I love you!"

"I love you too... Ich liebe dich..."

With one last kiss, Bdubs headed off to his bedroom. Their last kiss...

Doc let tears fall, as he finally turned, really to leave.

To leave this world behind...

Bdubs wouldn't make it out.

He stared up the sky, all that was in sight being the moon. The gravity shifted, lifting Doc, and some blocks from the ground for a minute. He had to leave. Ren was waiting for him.

"Goodbye mein liebling. I hope I see you in another life. I'll miss you."

(880 words)

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