Relapsing [HC 8] (Hurt/Comfort) {Grian & Pearl}

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This was a request, they wanted to be left anonymous. They requested for self harm comfort!


Self harm


Blood stained the floor, the blade, but mainly his arms. Quick breaths paired with pained sobs seemed to echo through the building. It all hurt... He hated doing it again- he hated relapsing but it all got so overwhelming.

Everything was too bright... Too loud. Too quiet. Too wrong.

Grian was ready to bandage up, and forget about all of this. Forget that he even relapsed. But he stopped as he heard a knock. The blade clattered to the ground, as he covered his mouth quickly. Had he been crying too loud...?

"Grian..? Grian, are you alright in there?"

Pearl... Would she be disappointed? He curled his legs to his chest, letting his hands drop as he just cried.

The door slowly creaked open, footsteps heard. "Oh... Oh, Gri..." Grian let his eyes drift up to Austrian's face, her sad eyes. She rushed closer, kneeling down slowly. Pearl hit away the blade, letting it slide across the room. "Hey... Hey, Grian... Look at me..." Grian sniffed, as Pearl gently placed her hands on his cheeks.

"Your sister's got you... I'm here..."

"I- I'm sorry... I broke- I broke my promise-"

"Shhh... Hey, hey, I don't care if you broke some promise. This isn't your fault." Pearl used her thumbs to wipe away a few tears. Grian sniffed, his eyes red and puffy from crying. "Come on, let's get you bandaged up."

Pearl stood up, walking over to one of the near chests, pulling out a roll of bandages, and cloth. Pearl was one of the few people who could find things in Grian's storage. She walked back, slowly kneeling down to him again. "Could you give me one of your arms, Gri..? I'm just going to start by wiping up the blood, okay?"

Grian nodded, Pearl slowly taking his right arm. She dapped the cloth gently over the cuts, Grian hissing at the stinging, eyes shut tightly. "I've finished with the blood on that arm... Can I continue to bandaging it?"

Grian quickly nodding, still not daring to open his eyes.

Carefully, Pearl wrapped said bandages around the small, wounded arm. With it all wrapped up, she went onto the next arm, asking before doing anything.

"And I'm all done..." She said softly, Grian finally opening his eyes, blinking at her.

"I'm sorry..."

"There is no need for you to apologize."

"But- But I promised..."

"You promised to avoid hurting yourself, not to never hurt yourself." Pearl mentioned, "Relapsing happens, we both know that. You've been doing your best."

Grian nodded.

"Do you want to talk about what caused this? Or we can just drop the topic."

"Drop it..."

"Alright, alright. Now, do you need some comforting sister cuddles?"

Grian chuckled, nodding. "B-but can we go to your base..? I don't want to be here right now..."

"Of course. Need me to carry you?"

Grian hummed a little agreement, Pearl carefully scoping the small boy into her arms. Despite Pearl being way taller, 5'11" to Grian's 5'6", Grian happened to be older. Pearl still always acted like the older sister.

The two of them made their way over to the brunette's starter base. Pearl sat Grian down on the couch, sitting next to him. Grian curled up, cuddling against her. "T-thank you..."

"Of course. Anything for you. I will always protect you, no doubt about it."

(530 words)

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