Broken Glass [HC 7] (Hurt/comfort) {Ren x Etho}

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Some sad Etho, cuz why not.


Self harm (Kinda? It's like a minor self harming that doesn't actually scar)

Self hatred (Idk if I need to put that but I will)


Etho's eyes glazed over the mirror. His scarred skin was on display to his eyes, his eyes only. It hurt, seeing how his face looked without the mask. He normally wore it even when alone, but it had been irritating his skin, and Xisuma advised him to take it off for some breaks.

The scar that ran over his red eye reached down farther, almost all the way to his chin, getting thicker lower. The other side had a pretty nasty burn scar on his cheek. It haunted him... His hands reached to his cheeks, slowly dragging his nails against his skin.

It hurt... but it felt good.

He switched to his arms, where he scratched roughly. His pale skin turned a red against the irritation.

Etho just stared into the mirror, seeing every little disgusting thing about his body... His hands fell from scratching, staring into the mirror. He punched it... Glass shards lined the ground, sticking into his feet, and his hand.

He almost collapsed then, but he knew it would just be too much of a pain to pull glass from all of his body.

Etho then heard something. A knock... He didn't have doors on this base, so who was knocking? He was about to turn, when he heard a voice.

"E-etho..? Are you alright, dude?"

Ren... Oh... Oh god, not him... "Y-yep! Just great! I need to grab my mask quickly, just a moment!" Etho set off running, not even turning to look at the dog hybrid. He just needed to grab his mask. Each step seeped more blood, pushing the shards deeper in his feet. It hurt...

He finally found a spare mask, sitting on one of the tables. He grabbed it, slipping it on his face. He made his way back, soon coming upon Ren. "Sorry about-" Etho was cut off as Ren pulled up to a seat. "Stop walking around.. It's just pushing those shards in your feet more." Ren stated, "I'll help you get them out, if you would like?"

"Ren- You really don't need to be worried! I- Umm... I just bumped into the mirror, and it shattered..." Etho made up a quick lie.

"You don't need to tell me that bullshit." Ren scoffed, "Now... Let's see... I'm going to grab some bandages, and a few other things. Don't get up, 'kay?"


Ren walked off, leaving Etho to awkwardly sit there. Why did he care..? That's what Etho wondered. Why did Ren care so much? Etho dug his nails into his palm, letting out a sigh. Soon enough, Ren was back. "I found some tweezers, so that should help with getting the glass out."

Ren sat on the ground by Etho, slowly beginning pulling out shard by shard. Etho occasionally hissed out in pain as a shard was pulled out, or as Ren dabbed up the blood with a cloth. It probably took half an hour, before finally, both of Etho's feet were wrapped up.

"Thanks." Etho told him.

Ren just stared back, before asking, "Your hand?"

Etho looked down to his hands, seeing the shards that pierced his right hand. "Oh... Right..." Etho handed over the injured hand, Ren doing the same thing for the hand. Mostly on the knuckles.

"Now, may I ask the real reason the mirror broke?" Ren asked softly.

"I punched it..."

Ren finished up with Etho's hand, taking a seat next to that Canadian. "And why was that?"

"I didn't like how I looked in it..."

Ren sighed, taking Etho's hand, none injured one, in his own, getting Etho to look at him. "Etho... You look beautiful. You always do. I know you may not always see it, but you are perfect just how you are." Ren stated, "It's like a butterfly, they can never see how beautiful they look. Yes, you have mirrors, and cameras, but those aren't the full truth of how you look."

"You just say that to make me feel better..." Etho scoffed.

"Etho, I wouldn't lie to you about something like that. You do look beautiful, handsome, whether you see if or not- whether you believe it or not..." Ren rested his head on Etho's shoulder. Etho glanced to the dog hybrid, small dark bags under his eyes.


"A bit..." Ren yawned, "But- but don't use that to distract me from your issue!"

"No- No, that was not my intention. Just think you should get some rest."

"Maybe you should too..."

"Maybe I should."


Etho chuckled, "Alright, alright. Cuddles." Etho stood up, with a bit of pain, but he was alright. Ren was about to get up as well, but Etho scooped him up in his arms. "Gah- I can walk!" "And I don't care." Etho stated, the two of them laughing as Etho walked with Ren in his arms.

"Okay, but seriously dude, you shouldn't strain your feet. It'll hurt more with carrying me."

"Eh- you're light enough."

"How strong are you-?"

"Ignore that." Etho smiled, though Ren couldn't see if from under the mask. He did feel better with Ren there...

(812 words)

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