Midnight Snacks? [HC 7] (Fluff) {Scarian}

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Requested by Uvachuu

Just some Scarian fluff! Enjoy!


Scar rested his head against his table. His notes were left abandoned to the side, as he began tapping his pen on the side of the table. He was stressed. Scar had so much to deal with. The HEP were still finishing they're clean up of the mycelium, he had more mayor stuff to deal with, he needed to figure out how to do what he wanted with the big dig, he had meetings with many people about Aquatown, and more.

Scar needed a break.

He stood from the table, slipping on his elytra. He headed out the door- the empty doorway of Larry, quickly replacing said door, before finally flying off. The moon was high in the sky, a small realization about how Bdubs would have been asleep passing in his thoughts. He wasn't sure where he was going. He just flew. He didn't realize it until he was there, but he was at the large door of a certain mansion.

"Why did I fly here-" Scar questioned, his spoken thought interrupted as he heard a loud yelp.

"Ow! Shoot- Ow!"

Scar knocked loudly, "Grian, are you okay in there!?" He didn't get a response. Being obviously worried, he knocked again. No response. Scar tried to just open the door, seeing that it was unlocked. He quickly made his way in, unsure of where Grian would be.

He found the Brit soon. Grian stood in his kitchen, hiss in pain, as he ran his hand under water. There were multiple trays sat around the area, a few just placed on random blocks, as there seemed to be no counter space.

"G, are you alright?" Scar rushed over. The Brit looked to him, "S-Scar? Oh, my surprise is ruined..." "What surprise? And are you alright?"

"I'm fine, Scar. I just burnt myself on one of the trays..." Grian mentioned, before continuing to answer the first question, "And, I- I ummm... I might have been planning to surprise you with a bunch of baked goods..."

Scar blinked a few times, before chuckling, "You don't need to do all of this for me. Now, come on, I'm going to get you healed up!" Not letting Grian get in another word, Scar dragged Grian into his entrance room, that had a large couch chair. Scar sat down the small hermit, kneeling, and taking Grian's hands. His fingertips were burnt on one hand, with a burn along the side of his other. Scar scrambled through his pockets, soon pulling out a healing crystal.

With some mumbling, the wizard performed some spell using said crystal. Scar smiled to the other, slipping the crystal away, before standing. He extended a hand to Grian, the smaller taking it. Scar could feel that the burns were gone.

"What are you doing here, Scar? It's the middle of the night."

"Well..." Scar sighed, before explaining, well more rambling, "I had gotten really stressed, so I just needed a break. I went to just fly around, and subconsciously came to your place. I heard you yell, and got worried. You won't answer when I banged on the door, so I checked and your door was unlocked, so I entered to make sure you were okay!"

"O-oh, I guess that makes sense." Grian chuckled.

"Sooo, why are you still awake?"

"Baking. I planned at first just to make a few things, then I couldn't sleep and got carried away."

"And why were you going to surprise me with them?"

"U-ummm... An apology? I've been a bit annoying lately, with the mycelium resistance, and everything..."

Scar pulled Grian into a hug, "I could never find you annoying! Now, shall we have midnight snacks?"

"S-sure!" Grian smiled, Scar pulling away, and taking the other's hand. The two of them made their way back into the kitchen, trays on trays of different treats. "Feel free to take some stuff." Grian mentioned, grabbing a brownie. Scar happily grabbed a cookie, munching into it. Grian pulled out a bowl, shoveling in a few different types of cookies into it. He grabbed a plate, putting a bunch of brownies, cupcakes and muffins on it. "Movie night?" Scar questioned. "Scar it's the middle of the night." Grian mentioned, before adding, "Yes, movie night." "Yes! Disney marathon!"

Grian laughed, the two of them making their way to the living room. The winged boy placed down the bowl and plate on the coffee table, flopping down onto the couch. Scar joined him, stealing the remote from the smaller boy's hands. With a click of a few buttons, the first movie was put on. Grian tossed a fuzzy blanket over them.

They munched on their snacks, they cuddled, and they fell asleep. Asleep by the second movie.

(765 words)

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