"That's completely understandable, I've only fought in the arena twice. And each time I couldn't help but apologize to my opponent every time I struck them. It was just instinct, but honestly it didn't affect my prowess in combat." Nerissa leaned back on her hands in a lax manner. Nyx continued to stare into space for a minute or two, Nerissa was silent, allowing Nyx her thinking time.

"Hey, where's Soul?" Nyx asked.

"I'm not sure, maybe her room?" Nerissa responded quizzically.

Nyx opened her mouth to ask another question, but she was interrupted when a hard knock sounded from Nerissa's door. Nerissa got up with a soft sigh and opened her door, it was a guard, tall and muscular.

"Ah, there you are. Time to sack up, you've been selected." The guards eyes hardened, on Nyx. Her eyes widened in fear, no, I'm not ready. Nyx screamed inside her head, she wasn't ready, she wasn't even nearly ready to fight someone. Nerissa turned around to face Nyx with great worry on her face. "Let's go." The guard said flatly, clearly running out of patience. Nyx tensed before she got up and began following the guard out of the room and down the hall. Her mind was racing, who could her opponent be? It could be anyone, it could be Soul, one of Nate's friends, it could be Nate.

Nyx was escorted to a different part of the facility, a section that she had never seen before. It had dark grey walls that almost looked black, a drastic contrast compared to the dingy red and beige brick that she had gotten used to. She followed the guard into a larger room that had a couch and a small table with a glass of water and a full pitcher next to it, and a TV mounted on the wall.

"Wait here until someone comes and gets you, get comfortable because it might be a while." The guard grumbled before leaving the room. Nyx fell into a sitting position on the couch with her eyes wide and her mind racing. It had been quite a while since she even got to use her ability, why didn't this place have some kind of training area? If they wanted these people to fight so badly then they should be giving accommodations. Nyx shook her head, no, they don't care about that, they just want entertainment, they don't even care if someone dies.


Nate sat on the side of his bed with his feet on the ground, he was bent forward with his head in his hands. He was jolted upright when he heard a knock at his door, he stood up and quickly went to answer it.

"Ah, there you guys are. Are you ready to watch?" Nate said calmly, internally he was sickened that he got used to this so quickly.

"Hell yeah! I'm just happy I wasn't selected, my shoulder's been bugging me." Rhys responded as he stretched his arm in a circular motion.

"Do we know who was picked today?" Danny asked quietly.

"No clue, I heard that it was another guy and a girl, but I can't be certain." Rhys responded as they all sat on Nate's bed, well except for Drake, he had sat on Nate's desk chair. The TV flicked to life and the group saw Zachariah on screen again and Nate clenched his fists. He still HATED seeing that monster face, but he knew that he should probably get used to it.

"Welcome all! Welcome to another installment of Battle of the Odds! Today we have another simple 1v1 for you. The first competitor is one I think you're really gonna like! The Pyre!" Zachariah shouted as he flourished to the first elevator, it opened slowly revealing...

"Holy shit! It's Anthony!" Nate reacted loudly, slightly startling Danny. Rhys and Drake didn't flinch however.

"You know him?" Rhys asked Nate.

"Yeah, I went to high school with him! He was arrested a few days before Nyx discovered her ability." Nate's eyes were glued to the screen now.

"The Pyre will be facing someone who is brand new! That's right, this is their first fight! Please welcome... INFINITY!" Zachariah shouted again before flourishing to the elevator opposite of Anthony. It opened slowly, Nate's eyes went wide in horror, his heart racing was the only sound he could hear.

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