Don't touch (Wil)

608 23 4

Littles: Wilbur, Tommy
Cg: Kristin
Big: Techno

Woo Sbi family au yippee

Tw/Cws: It's heavily implied that Wilbur was sa'd, panicking, mention of suffocating, crying, slight dissociation.

This is technically a vent. It's based on how much I panic when I'm touched ever since I was sa'd, so.. fun

"Wil?" Techno peeks his head into Wilburs room.

Wilbur is sitting at his desk, his head in his hands.

"What?" The reply is muffled but Techno hears it anyway. "Nothing, just.. are you okay?" He can't help but feel a bit uncomfortable, the whole 'are you okay' thing is something his mother does. Techno is far too socially awkward for it.

But Wilbur has seemed off for most of today and Techno is his twin, therefore it's kind of his job to make sure Wilbur's okay.

"I'm fine." Wilbur shrugs off his brothers concern and goes to stand up.

His leg gets caught on the leg of his chair and he stumbles. Techno catches him before he can fall, a firm grip on his wrist.

"You sure?" Technos furrowed eyebrows are the only tell of him being actually concerned.

"Yeah, I- I'm fine. Don't touch me." Wilbur pulls his wrist from Technos hand, taking a deep breath.

Techno stares at him for a moment, studying Wilburs back as he tries to figure out how to help.

Then Tommy runs into the room. And he's very clearly small. "Buba!" He says happily, running to give Wilbur a hug.

Wilbur gasps sharply and flinches back when arms tighten around his waist.

"Get off." Wilbur means to yell it but his voice comes out all hoarse and quiet. "Tommy- get off." He gasps out.

His voice is definitely too quiet to be heard, especially when Tommy is babbling about his morning with their mother, but he can't tell that.

He's screaming in his head. He's yelling at everyone to stop touching him and to leave him alone. He's screaming but nobody can hear him.

Wilbur is usually soft and gentle with Tommy, especially when he's small. But currently, he can't find it in him to be kind because he can't breath and he needs Tommy off.

Techno, who's been watching from the side, notices how distressed Wilbur seems and he begins trying to get Tommy off.

Wilbur, however, completely loses it when Techno sets a hand on Wilburs shoulder to steady him.

"Don't touch me! Get off!" He shouts, tears collecting in his eyes. He needs them off- he needs to breathe, why can't he breathe?

Tommy lets go of his brother and looks up. "Buba?" His voice is small and Wilbur feels a twinge of guilt because Tommy doesn't know but he's just trying to focus on steadying his breathing.

"Alright Wil, let's sit down." Techno pulls out Wilburs chair, being careful not to touch Wilbur, but Wilbur shakes his head. 

His head is hung low but Techno can still see the tears on his face, he can hear how Wilbur is gasping as if he's suffocating, and he can see how Wilburs chest shudders everytime he takes a breath.

"Shh, It's okay Wilbur. You're okay." Techno tries his best to console Wilbur but he isn't his mother and she always works best.

"Tommy, can you go get mama?" Tommy nods and he's off, Techno has to yell to remind him not to run down the stairs.

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