Sunshine and sunshine protector (Tommy)

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Little: Tommy (age unknown) Cg: Ranboo

This chapter doesn't have much agere in it but I wanted to post it anyway.

Tw/Cw: Being overwhelmed, slight panic, feeling guilty. (This is based off the tiktok in the picture)

"Ranboo," Tommy whispered while tiptoeing into the dark room. He sighed shakily and went to leave but a soft hum stopped him.

"What's wrong?," The room lit up when a lamp was turned on and Ranboos face became visible to Tommy.

"I just- can I stay here with you tonight?," Tommy glanced around the room nervously.

He knew he was far too old to be asking to sleep in his friends room but he couldn't go back to his own and he'd promise no more all nighters so this was the better option.

Ranboo pat the bed next to him and nodded sleepily. "Yeah sure," He agreed and watched as Tommy climbed into bed next to him, he was shaking and he clutched onto the blanket as if it was a life line.

Ranboo kept the light on even after Tommy was in bed, it seemed to calm him and Ranboo himself didn't mind the light much.

Ranboo was just about to fall asleep when he felt a clammy hand grab his. He opened his eyes and saw Tommy sitting up looking back at him with tears in his eyes.

This made Ranboo immediately sit up too. "What's wrong?," Ranboo panicked slightly and raised his arms. He had meant to hug him but stopped himself, you're not supposed to touch a distressed person without consent. (True)

Tommy just looked at him, his face scrunched up slightly as he attempted to not let his tears fall.

"Tommy, talk to me please. I can't help if I don't know what's happening," Ranboo tried to remain calm as best as possible but it was hard.

Tommy was always the sun in a dark room. He was almost always happy and energetic and he lit up any room he stepped into. It was hard to see his friend like this and he didn't know how to help either.

"Everything's too much," Tommy mumbled, his head now resting on his knees as they were pulled up to his chest.

"You're overwhelmed? I can help with that, it happens to me sometimes," Ranboo nodded as he said this, finally having a solution to this problem.

Ranboo took out a nightlight he had in his drawer and plugged it in then turned off the light, hearing Tommy sigh in relief.

"How your body temperature? Is it too hot or too cold?," Ranboo stood up and stretched. "Too hot,"Tommy said, looking up at him.

Tommy felt too exhausted to move so he tried to stay as still as possible. His head was pounding and everything irritated him, his own clothes scratched against his skin uncomfortably.

Ranboo hummed and opened his window, the fresh night air flooding into the room and cooling it instantly.

Tommy took off his hoodie slowly, a plain white shirt under, and huffed out as he cooled down.

"Do you want some water? It helps," Tommy nodded and Ranboo left the room.

Tommy closed his eyes slowly. He had felt like this all day and didn't know what had even caused it, he'd never really felt overwhelmed before. He felt guilty, he was supposed to be the happy one! He was supposed to help during breakdowns not have them himself.

Ranboo returned to the room, closing the door silently, and hummed to get Tommys attention.

When Tommy looked up he was handed a cup of cold water with a straw in it. Tommy slowly drank the water and relaxed into the mattress. (This is your reminder to drink water lovely♡)

"T'ank you," Tommy mumbled, looking down guiltily. "Of course, I'm here whenever you need me," Ranboo smiled at Tommy softly and held his arms open.

Tommy set the cup down and fell into Ranboos arms, tucking his head into the tallers chest.

Ranboo held onto Tommy protectively and pet his head with his free hand.

"I'll always be here," Ranboo mumbled as he felt Tommys body relax against his own.

"Love boo," Tommy whispered and Ranboo could just feel his heart explode with love and affection.

"Love Tom," Ranboo whispered back and gently kissed Tommys head, resting his chin on the boys head after.

A/N: AHHHHH. I can't- I'm gonna cry dude 🥲 oh to have a irl friendship like this :,) -T<3

Word count:753

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