Didn't mean to (Tommy)

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Little: Tommy (3)
Cg: Tubbo

Tw/Cws: public regression, Panicking, being called a child (playfully).

Tommy walked down the boardwalk excitedly, Tubbo not too far behind with a camera in one hand and a ice-cream cone in the other. "Alright so we just need to find a place to start filming Tubs!," Tommy said, licking his melting ice-cream cone.

Tubbo nodded excitedly, his mouth full of cold ice-cream. He swallowed the ice-cream in his mouth then screamed a bit, scaring Tommy. "That was SO cold, it burned my mouth! I'm suing," Tubbo joked and Tommy let out a loud, slightly choked back laugh.

They both laughed at what tubbo said for a solid minute before continuing to walk after catching their breaths.

"C'mon Tom!," Tubbo said when Tommy stopped to look at a poster. It was a Disney on ice poster. Tommy would love to go when he regressed one day but he didn't have a caregiver, of course Tubbo knew about his regression and was cool with it but he never offered to be his carer and Tommy was too embarrassed to ask.

Tommy suddenly felt a tug on his arm and snapped out his thoughts to see tubbo holding his hand with a playful grin on his face.

"Come on, you child!," Tubbo said while giggling. That was the final push for Tommy. From feeling fuzzy waking up, to eating ice-cream, to seeing the poster, to being called a child. It was too much for Tommy, he was trying so hard not to slip today but he failed.

Tommys Headspace came crashing down on him and he panicked as he looked at Tubbos confused face. Tommy tugged at Tubbos shirt and whined slightly. Tubbo finally understood and his eyes went a bit wide with understanding.

How had he been so dumb to not know that Tommy was between headspaces? He had done research on littles and was even going to ask Tommy if he could be his caregiver but never found time to.

"I'm sorry for not noticing sooner hun! Do you want to go home and I can take care of you?," Tubbo asked, a gentle warmness to his tone of voice. Tommy leaned onto Tubbo and nodded. "Alright buddy, we can take a taxi home then," Tubbo pulled out his phone and ordered a uber then asked Tommy for his.

Tommy gave tubbo his phone, unlocking it first, and Tubbo connected his headphones to the Bluetooth before putting cartoons on youtube and handing it back to Tommy. He figured that would keep the little busy until they got home.

The uber pulled up and Tommy and tubbo got in, Tommy laying his head on Tubbos chest.

The guy driving went to turn around to make small talk but Tubbo shushed him kindly then pointed to Tommy who had fallen asleep on Tubbo. The guy nodded and turned back around to start the drive.

Tubbo played with Tommys hair gently until they pulled up outside the house. Tubbo thanked the driver and Tommy sleepily waved to him before Tubbo helped him out the cab and into his house. Once Tubbo got Tommy inside, he let out a relieved breath. He had no idea how Tommy would react to regressing in public since he read that most littles liked to regress inside with a trusted person.

Tubbo was happy that he was Tommys trusted person.

Suddenly Tommy whined, snapping Tubbo out of his thoughts. "What's wrong buddy?," Tubbo asked, gently grabbing Tommys hand to lead them further into the house.

Thank God that Tommys parents were on vacation currently. "Clothes icky," Tommy mumbled, tiredness seeping into his voice.

Tubbo had read about that too, a lot of littles disliked certain textures like rough clothing, Tommy was currently wearing jeans so obviously he'd be a bit uncomfortable.

"Of course angel! Come," Tommy perked up at the nickname and trudged along behind Tubbo.

When they reached Tommys room Tommy sat on his bed while Tubbo went straight to the closet, in there he found one of Ranboos hoodies and a pair of white sweats.

The hoodie would definitely be oversized so it was perfect. "Can you do it or do you need help?," Tubbo turned to the little who nodded and reached out for the clothes.

Tubbo giggled at the answer, since, well, it really wasn't a answer, and left the room, closing the door and leaving it a opened a tiny bit.

"Done!," Tommy called from inside the room and Tubbo walked back inside. Tubbo pulled the hoodie strings out from the hood where they were stuck.

Tommy sat down on the bed, staring at Tubbo with wide glossed over eyes. "What is it sweetie?," Tubbo sat next to the little, who instantly leaned his head onto Tubbos shoulder.

"m' sowwy for messin' up 'ideo, didn' mean to," Tommy mumbled and began playing with Tubbos hand.

"You didn't mess it up bubs, we hadn't even started recording! Plus I'd rather take care of a adorable baby then record anyday," Tubbo booped Tommys nose with his free hand, causing the little to giggle and scrunch his face up.

Tubbo smiled fondly at the boy as he continued to play with his hand, tracing soft shapes like hearts and stars into his palm.

"Sof'," Tommy mumbled and Tubbo laughed softly at the comment. He knew they'd be there for a while, especially with Tommys knack for getting distracted with random things for hours at a time.

Tubbo began softly humming as the mentally three year old played with his hand, quite content to just sit there. Besides, if that was the littles chosen activity he wasn't gonna say no, especially if it wasn't hurting anyone or doing anything bad.

A/N: Hi guys! I accidentally cut my thumb pretty badly so updates might be slower since it takes a while to type rn!:,) -A<3

Word count: 992

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