I'm just a kid! (part 2)

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Little: Tommy
Cgs: Tubbo, Ranboo
Others: Phil, Dream, Micheal (Piglin), and Sam are mentioned

Tw/Cws: Small panic attack, crying/sad little, starvation, mentions of past sh (if you're little please skip this chapter!).

I woke up on a pile of blankets, next to the fireplace. Looking around, I can see Tubbo and Ranboo by the door standing next to... Phil? I don't want Phil, not right now.

☆Ranboo's pov:

I hear a small whimper from the middle of the living room, for a second I freak out but then I remember that Tommy's here. "Toms what's wrong?," I ask, looking near where he is.

"Don' wan him here," it could barely be heard but me and Tubbo heard it clearly. "Okay hun, just one second, kay?," Tubbo said. "Otay Tubs," was heard from under the blanket pile

☆Nobody's pov:

"Okay Phil, time to go," Tubbo said, clearly in overprotective mode. When he saw phil hesitate, he pushed him out the door and locked it. "You know?," Ranboo asked, motioning towards Tommy.

"Well yeah, I mean there's only so much you can keep from your best friend huh?," Tubbo walked to where Tommy was hiding under the blankets and pulled him into his lap. "He regressed in front of me before but forgot about it," He explains.

"Hey bud, did you bring any of your stuff with you?," Tubbo questioned. He knew how to care for a little because Dream regressed but now Sam takes care of him. "Mm, bag," Tommy replied, snapping Tubbo out his thoughts about his brother.

Ranboo was quick with grabbing the bag and pulling out a red and white paci

He took Tommy's thumb out his mouth and replaced it with the paci. "Milk or juice?," Tubbo asked. Tommy liked that he was given a choice. "Milk p'ease," Tommy answered shyly. "Of course bug," Was all Ranboo said before stepping into the kitchen.

"Come baby, do you wanna change?," Tommy nodded his head in response. Tubbo picked the boy up, noticing how Tommy seemed to be non verble at the moment, Tubbo also noticed how light he was.

"When was the last time you ate bub?," Tubbo asked, genuinely concerned. He set Tommy down on his bed. "Uhh," Tommy started trying to count days on his fingers but kept getting jumbled up, he gave up after getting incredibly frustrated. "Don' know!," Tommy cried, putting his head in his hands.    

"Hey now none of that, it's okay to not know things bub," Tubbo reasured him, gently holding his hands and putting them at his sides. Tommy looked up at him with tears in his eyes. "It's okay little one, you're okay," He comforted the little. Tommy set his head onto the olders shoulder. Tubbo just whispered soft comforting words and rubbed Tommys back up and down.

At that moment Ranboo walked into the room. Seeing what was happening, he set the bottle down on their bedside table and walked to the closet. He grabbed a baby pink hoodie that belonged to him and sweats that belonged to Tubbo, knowing it would fit.

"Hey guys, maybe Toms should change now?," Ranboo questioned softly, trying not to startle the little with the sudden noise.

"Come Tom, you gotta sit up, please?," Tubbo sat up a bit and the youngest copied the movement, now sitting up too.

Tommy pulled off his damp hoodie and handed it to Ranboo who handed the new clothes to Tubbo. Wincing at Tommys scars he put the hoodie on him then pulled off his jeans and replaced them with the sweats.

Afr  was changed Ranboo picked him up, agreeing with Tubbo that he feels very light. He carried him to the couch and set him down. "Boo?," Tommy asked. "Whats up sweetie?," Ranboo kneeled down so he was face to face with the little, still not looking him directly in his eyes though.

"Where Michael?," Tommy asked, his voice sounding a little muffled because of the paci."Michaels down for a nap right now, you can play with him when he wakes up," Ranboo said, smiling at the boy. "Okay lovely! Here's your bottle, I warmed it up for you," Tubbo anounced, walking into the room.

Tommy looked at the bottle hesitatly, wanting it but not wanting it at the same time. Tubbo handed it to him and sat on the other side of him reaching for the tv remote. "What's wrong kiddo?," Ranboo asked the little after he noticed he was still holding the bottle and not drinking it.

"I-I don' deser-," was all Tommy got out before Tubbo shushed him. "None of that nonsense bub! You need to eat! You do deserve it and it would make bee and boo very happy if you drank it, you clearly haven't had food in a while and thats not very healthy," Tubbo said before moving back to where he was sitting, seeing as he had gotten a bit close to the little.

"Otay...I eat," Tommy mumbled, before putting the bottle in his mouth.

<Time skip>

Tommy was now asleep on Ranboo who was also asleep. Tubbo looked at them and giggled before grabbing Tommy and carrying him to Ranboo and his bedroom, he placed him on the bed and covered him with a blanket before going back to the living room.

He laid next to Ranboo (!platonic!) and cuddled next to him before falling asleep too.

an: Hi! This was part two of the chapter before this one, I had fun writing this even though it was sad but I'm glad I finished it, thanks for reading! make sure to eat, drink water, and get lots of rest bye! -A<3

word count:948

Edited on: 7.30.22

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