school bullys (Tubbo)

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Little: Tubbo (1-2)
Caregivers: Ranboo, Tommy, Phil

High school AU

Tw/Cws: minor panic attack, sad/upset little, swear words, bullying (physical and emotional)

Tubbo walked through the hallway with his books in his hands and his head down, he attempted to walk to his locker but wasn't very successful. Tripping over his shoes laces, he looked around to see everyone laughing at him. He sighed and tried to grab his books but when he picked them up they were knocked out of his hands.

"Screw off Joseph," Tubbo said, he felt himself slowly slipping, realizing after he attempted but failed to swear. "Aww the little baby cant even curse! What a pussy," Joseph said back, rolling his eyes. Tubbo went to stand up but was pushed back down, a foot resting on his back. "S-stop!," Tubbo was panicking a bit, if he slipped in front of Joseph and his friends everything would be so much worse.

His bottom lip quivered as he fought back tears and pushed himself up, the person holding him down falling over. "What the fuck man!," He heard Joseph's friend, Ben, say. He didn't dare turn around in fear of being hit. "Oi assholes!," Tubbo heard Tommy and he turned around quickly. Bad decision. When he turned around Joseph threw a quick punch at his face and ran.

Tubbo stood there for a few moments, eyes wide with shock, before reaching a shaky hand up and touching his bloody nose. "Fucking pussys!," Tommy yelled and ran after them while Ranboo rushed over to Tubbo. Both the boys knew about Tubbo's regression and they just so happen to know that he regresses when scared and stressed so this was not a good situation for him to be in.

"Tubs ,hun, lets go to the bathroom. Come come," Ranboo spoke to the boy softly, making sure to not scare him with loud sounds or sudden touches. "I'm gonna grab your hand, is that okay?," Ranboo made sure that it was okay to touch him before grabbing his hand and leading him to the bathroom.

A crowd had gathered around them and Ranboo simply glared at all of them before they all scattered away, scared of the boy. Tubbo had one hand holding his nose and the other holding Ranboos hand tightly and Ranboo had one hand holding Tubbos and one hand in a fist just in case he had to punch somebody.

Tommy ran up to the two other boys just as they were walking into the bathroom. Tommy checked all the stalls making sure it was completely empty before giving the boys the okay to go in. "come bubs," Ranboo said, lifting Tubbo up and setting him down on the counter.

The shock finally wore off and Tubbo burst into tears. The poor boy was terrified and shaking harshly. Ranboo grabbed some tissue and held it on Tubbos nose, tilting it down. (the right way🙄)

Ranboo gently pressed down at the bridge of Tubbos nose and tilted his head slightly forward. "Breath through your mouth honey," Ranboo instructed. Tubbo followed what Ranboo said and breathed slowly through his mouth.

Soon Ranboo removed the tissues, making sure to not show them to the little, and checked Tubbos nose for the damage. He had a deep purple bruise forming at the bridge of his nose and a soft purple one at the bottom of his forehead.

"Tommy take a picture of him and send it to dad, Tell him to come get us," Ranboo instructed Tommy. Tommy had no clue how they knew what to do but decided to follow it and snapped a quick photo of Tubbo.

Their convo:

Tommy: Can you come pick me, tubs, and ran up? I'll explain later.
(Insert picture)

Philza: oh my god what happened!?

Tommy: Just come, tubs is little and we need you.

Philza: I'm on my way now.


Tommy looked up from his phone to see that Ranboo had stopped the bleeding and was now letting Tubbo chew on his fingers, which had been washed, since he didn't have a soother on him at the moment.

"Tommy the nurse knows about Tubs regression so lets take him to her to get a ice-pack for that bruise," Ranboo suggested. Tubbo perked up at the mention of the nice nurse who had given him a sucker once.

"Carry pwease boo?," Tubbo asked politely. Ranboo turned around and Tubbo got on Ranboos back so he could have a piggy back ride to the nurse.

The boys made their way up the stairs, after Tommy stopped to pick up Tubbos stuff, and made it to the nurses office.

"Hewo Miss nurse!," Tubbo said excitedly as they entered the room. Ranboo made sure nobody was there then sat Tubbo on the chair.

As Tommy was explaining to the nurse what had happened Ranboo was in charge of keeping Tubbo busy, which was fairly easy considering he was tired and just wanted cuddles.

Tubbo lay on Ranboos lap, his head resting on Ranboos shoulder, as he softly babbled to the older about a made up world.

"Hey Toby, would you like a coloring book?," The nurse asked softly from where she and Tommy sat talkikg.

"Mhm! Yes pwease," The nurse got up and walked over to a shelf, which had toys in it, and got out a coloring book along with crayons.

Tubbo was moved to sit on the floor with Ranboo next to him, he had the job of handing Tubbo his desired crayon.

The nurse walked over and handed Ranboo a ice-pack then walked back to her desk.

"Hey c'mere bub," Tubbo crawled over to Ranboo and sat directly in front of him.

Ranboo was just about to put the ice pack on him when someone else walked into the office.

"Phil!," Tommy said happily, running over to his dad. "Tubs is over here," Tommy led Phil over to Tubbo and Phil instantly started fussing over him.

"Oh you poor thing! That must hurt huh? Sweet boy," Tubbo was near tears again as he saw Phil, who was now holding him, walk in.

Ranboo handed Phil the ice pack and started gathering their things while Tommy talked to the nurse again.

"Alright, all ready to go buddy?," Tommy asked, noticing that Tubbo now had a face mask on that just covered his mouth with the ice pack pressed against his nose gently.

"All ready Toms," Phil answered for the little and they walked out the nurse office, waving bye and saying thanks to the nice nurse.

They walked to the car and Phil got in the front while Ranboo helped Tubbo get in and Tommy sat in the passenger seat.

"So...What happened to the people who did this?," Tommy smirked as this question was asked.

Ranboo carried Tubbo, who had fallen asleep, inside while Tommy and Phil trailed behind him.

"Boo?," Tubbo mumbled quietly when he was placed on the couch. "Yes bub?," Ranboo sat himself next to the little, who clambered into his lap.

"No leave," Tubbo laid his head on Ranboos chest and closed his eyes again.

Tommy laughed quietly and handed Ranboo, who clearly wasn't going anywhere soon, his phone to keep him busy.

Ranboo wasn't upset or annoyed in the slightest he was just happy that Tubbo was safe and was by his side.

A/N: I may have started this in November and forgot about it... anyway! Thanks for reading. Remember to eat, drink water, and get lots of rest! -A<3

Word count: 1272

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