Small family (Tech+Wil)

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Littles: Wilbur, Techno (3)
Cg: Phil
Extras: Mumza is mentioned in A/N

Tw/Cws: Mentioned breakdown. Nothing else:)

Techno slept peacefully, lying on his stomach in his fathers bed. His face was stuffed in a soft pillow, his hands in small fists like a babies would be.

Yesterday was a bit of a emotional rollercoaster for the boy and his papa, they both were very exhausted.

Techno had held off his regression for a long time which lead to a breakdown after he had a short tantrum over something small.

Phil cared for the little, holding him close when he needed it and bathing him in love and affection.

Phil sat at his desk, carefully watching the boy as his chest rose and fell with every breath he took.

He sighed softly, Technos mental health was something that had always been unstable and neither him nor Techno knew how to handle it.


A small voice mumbled. Phils head snapped in the direction of the voice.
He spotted Wilbur in front of him with a baby blanket clutched in his hands and his paci comfortably placed in his mouth.

"Hi bubas," Phil smiled gently at the younger, opening his arms. Wilbur climbed on Phils lap and laid his head on Phils chest.

"Was wrong wif techie?," Wilbur mumbled, spotting his brother on the bed still asleep despite it being almost one pm.

"Techie didn't have a nice night yesterday. He needs lots of rest, okay?," Phil explained softly, keeping his voice low.

"Otay papa," Wilbur nodded as best as he could with his face stuffed into his fathers chest.

"Now, how about we go get some lunch hm?," Phil situated Wilbur so he could lift him, his wings helping to balance him.

Wilbur clung onto Phil as he was carried out the room, the door being closed with a soft click behind them.

They left Techno alone to rest and when a sleepy three year old appeared downstairs around two hours later they all cuddled together.

Their family definitely wasn't perfect but that was okay, they were working on it slowly.

A/N: Small chapter for you guys:) Techno had a tantrum over Kristin not being home btw and personally I think that's fair -T<3

Word count: 380

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