colorblind troubles (gogy+dream)

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Littles: George (2), Dream (1½)
Cg: Sapnap

Prompt: George and Dream are coloring and George gets a bit upset and jealous that he can't see all the colors but Dream can.

Requested by: DreamWasKarl

Tw/Cws: upset little, small tantrum, small timeout.

It was a little day in the dream team household which meant that the age regressors were small and that meant the house had to be kept tidy and quiet for them.

Except... the peaceful quiet was interrupted when a frustrated whine rang through the air then what sounded like a marker or crayon could be heard hitting the floor.

Sapnap rushed over to the littles from his office where he was editing. "What's wrong?," He asked, worry clouding his face.

Dream looked very frightened from the sudden noises, understandably so considering he was the smallest and the jumpiest.

Dream and George never fought and things were usually very calm with them so he doubted that's what the small outburst was about.

"Is not fair!," George said suddenly, tears beginning to pool in his eyes. "Oh honey, what's not fair?," Sap sat next to the brunette.

"Can' see da colors, not fair," George spoke quietly and his voice trembled slightly.

Sapnap was taken aback. George had never really been upset because of this, especially not when small. When he was big Sapnap could easily explain his colorblindness but small him definitely wouldn't understand that.

"Honey pie, you know you can't see all the colors," Sapnap said softly, he reached out to touch Georges hand but when the mentally younger yanked his hand away he stopped.

"Bub-," Sapnap tried but George wasn't having it. "No! Not fair!," George was very clearly upset over this but there really wasn't much Sapnap could do.

Thump. Dream whined as another crayon was thrown, this one hitting the wall and bouncing off.

"Buddy, you know we don't throw things," Sapnap reminded George but the little was too upset to listen to him.

"How old are you feeling hun?," George raised two fingers shakily.

"Alright then c'mon," Sapnap stood up and picked George up off the ground. Sap walked over to the time-out bench and sat him down.

This was their punishment. They usually never had to be in time-out because the littles were very well behaved but it was always safe to have the chair just in case.

The rules were quite simple ones. No hitting, no throwing things, don't take things that don't belong to you, etc.

"You're going to sit here for two minutes, I can sit with you if you want," Sap sat down on the floor next to the chair when George said nothing.

A sniffle was heard then the little completely broke down. "M' sowwy buba! Didn' mean ta be bad!," George turned and grabbed onto Sapnaps shirt, putting his head on the caregivers chest.

Sap smiled softly and reached up to pat Georges head. "It's okay bub, I know you didn't mean to, it's alright to feel upset sometimes," Sap said gently and he softly moved Georges head so his face was visible.

The poor boy was clearly so guilty and sad. He had tears streaming down his face and he was gripping onto Saps shirt for dear life.

Dream, who had been somewhat forgotten about for the time being, crawled over to the pair and sat next to Sapnap.

"Could you explain what lead to your outburst please?," Sapnap continued petting Georges hair softly, George had been moved to the caregivers lap. Dream leaned on Sapnaps shoulder and stood quiet, quite content to just sit there.

"D'eam ask fo' c'ayon n' couldn' see what colow he want," George said sadly, he seemed very tired from his little tantrum.

"Awh it's okay angel. You're just special, alright? You can see colors in ways that others can't," George smiled at that.

"Reawy?" George asked hopefully.

Sapnap hummed gently and leaned back against the wall, he could clean the crayons and paper up later, he needed to hang their drawings on the fridge.

He knew that George was okay again and was probably about to take a nap and Dream was already asleep.

A/N: Speedran this >:) hope you enjoyed! (Thanks for requesting) remember to eat, drink water, and get lots of rest! -A<3

Word count: 721

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