Flowers (Boo, Techno, Phil)

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A chapter to help me out of my writers block? (I need good prompts please- I'm struggling here guys)

Littles: Ranboo (5) , Technoblade (2), Philza (0-1)
Cgs: Wilbur, Tubbo

Tw/Cws: None :)

Ranboos characters in Origins is Transfem and I headcannon that she prefers the name boo :]

"Flower," Boo mumbled while pointing to the flower field her and Tubbo were heading towards.

"Mhm, that's a flower field," Tubbo nodded and smiled, hovering slightly above the taller.

"I know," She replied, rolling her eyes. She knew what a flower field was! She wasn't dumb.

Tubbo, though he really shouldn't, couldn't help but giggle at her sassy remark.

"We see phil?," The princess asked excitedly, she could see his wings sprawled out in the grass before she saw his actual body.

"Yep, Phils here with Techno," Just the name of the bunny made Boos tail begin to wag excitedly, she loved hanging out with Techno!

Boo gasped as she spotted Wilbur with the pair as well, Wilbur was so cool!

"So many people," She murmured excitedly to herself.

Soon the two reached the others and Boo immediately ran to Techno, the little was making flower crowns!

"Hi hi!," She waved excitedly to the younger. Though she was about five Techno was around two, Phil being one and the youngest.

Techno blinked and slowly waved back while Phil just stared at the clouds, laying on his back in the soft grass.

Boo nodded at Phil as a greeting then sat, the soft grass tickling her skin. She giggled at the feeling and began watching for bees and butterflys.

All the littles had their respective activities. Phil watched the clouds for funny shapes, Techno made flower crowns for everyone, and Boo watched for colorful insects that she could show Tubbo.

She squealed when a small bumblebee landed on her nose and she stood very still. "Bee," She whispered, almost silently.

Tubbo looked over and spotted the girl, he made his way towards her. "The bee seems to like you," Tubbo said as the bee flew off her nose and landed on a outstretched finger.

"Who wouldn't," She tried to be sassy but couldn't help and giggle after the words left her mouth, the soft laughs making Tubbos heart melt.

Tubbo pat her head gently, being mindful of her horns. He then walked off and returned to where he was sitting talking to Wilbur.

"Techno," She whispered in the youngers ear. Technos eyes scrunched up, "don' do dat," He mumbled, he didn't like the feeling of the whispering in his ears. It made him upset. (Same)

"Sorry!," She pat Technos head softly as a apology, the younger immediately leaning into the touch and closing his eyes.

"Is otay," He said quietly. Techno had always been a non verbal little even while older then he usually regressed to.

"Hat," Phil mumbled, pointing at the sky. All three littles began staring at the sky, watching the clouds move slowly.

They all laid down next to one another, being careful to not lay on Phils wings or Boos tail.

The two oldest listened as Phil babbled about nonsense, Techno joining in with his own small babbles from time to time. (Babbles>>>)

Wilbur came over after a while and told them it was time to go, the sun was setting and Phils wings needed to be preened before he fell asleep.

Phil only stuck his hand in his mouth, not really understanding much. Wilbur lifted Phil up onto his hip and helped Techno stand.

"We leavin'?," Boo asked Tubbo, a small pout on her face. "Mhm, you've gotta get some beauty sleep. Princesses need lots of rest," Tubbo cooed at her then booped her little button nose.

"Otay," Boo nodded in understanding. She still didn't want to leave but she got called a princess and that made her content enough to listen.

The small group were sat in Wilburs house, soft blankets and pillows laid on the floor along with stuffies.

Phil sat in Wilburs lap, chirping and trilling quietly and contently as Wilbur preened his wings gently.

Boo was sitting with Tubbo, laying on his lap and sleeping peacefully. Tubbo played with her long hair softly as a paci slowly bobbed between her lips, a cat stuffie resting between her arms.

Techno was laying against Wilburs side, also sleeping. His breathing was soft and his ears were flopped down, resting next to his head on either side.

He had a white paci in his mouth and a soft baby pink blanket clutched in between his hands.

Wilbur finished with Phils wings and waited patiently as the baby turned and laid against Wilburs chest, curled up in a ball.

Phils wings were tucked against his back comfortably and he smiled a dopey happy smile.

"Ni ni," Phil slurred out, clutching onto Wilburs sweater loosely. Wilbur put a paci into the littles mouth and kissed his head gently.

"Ni ni birdy," Wilbur replied in a whisper, stroking Phils hair and holding him close.

A/N: I love Origins Ranboo so much :,) and teeny Phil has my heart <3

Word count: 852

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