Meeting up (Sykunno+Tina)

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Disclaimer! I don't know if any of the characters mentioned in this chapter are okay with fanfic so if it comes to my attention that they aren't I will take it down.

Littles: sykunno (2), Tina (1)
Caregivers: Corpse, Rae

Tws/Cws: involuntarily regression, just fluff!

Sykunno was beyond excited! Meeting his other friends was normal to him as it happened multiple times before but meeting Corpse? That's never happened! And yet here he was about to get off the airplane and go meet him for the first time ever.

Rae, noticing Sykunnos excited shaking and the wide grin on his face, grabbed his hand and chuckled at her friends manner. "It's crazy, isn't it Rae? We're meeting him today!," While Sykunno excitedly rambled on and on, the plane landed.

"C'mon we gotta get off silly," Tina giggled as she grabbed her bag with one hand and his hand with the other. Sykunno stumbled a bit when he stood, half because of him not walking that entire flight and half because of his brain growing fuzzier by the minute without his knowledge.

They caught a cab outside after grabbing their bags. "I call shotgun!," Rae said while Tina pretended to sulk about the loss of the seat. Sykunno climbed into the back next to the window without complaint, seeming to be distracted.

When Tina looked at her friend she could see his cloudy eyes and the way he fidgeted with his fingers so she tapped Rae to get her attention. "Kunnos slipping Rae," Tina whispered so her zoned out friend couldn't hear. "Shoot, does Corpse know about him yet?," Rae questioned while beginning to dig in her bag for a hoodie.

"Syk, do you want this?," Rae asked, reaching out with the hoodie in hand. Sykunno nodded happily and took the hoodie, instantly putting the string in his mouth when it was on him.

Tina giggled at his actions while shaking her head at Rae, answering her previous question.

Rae pulled her phone out to text Corpse as they reached the block of his house, stopping a few houses away to not give away his address.

Rae: we're down the block, should we come inside or not yet?

Corpse: you can come in, I just finished getting ready haha.

Rae: Kay, see you soon :).

Tina grasped onto Sykunnos hand and walked with him down the street, he wobbled a bit but made it there nonetheless. When they walked into the house, Corpse was in the entry hallway waiting for them.

"Hi guys," He greeted in his deep voice. When he noticed Sykunno staring at him with big eyes he raised a eyebrow at Rae. "You very pwetty," Sykunno slurred out with a big smile. Corpses face softened into a small smile and he knelt down to Sykunnos height.

"Thank you, can I ask how old you are buddy?," Corpses voice went softer as he smiled at the boy who held up two fingers shyly. "Such a small boy! Can I carry you to the living room?," Corpse asked and when Sykunno nodded, he picked the younger up easily and carried him to the couch in the living room.

Rae and Tina were pleasantly surprised at Corpse and his amazing caregiver skills and they followed them to the room.

Corpse set Sykunno down on the couch as he stood up to get his bags. "Where going?," Sykunno asked sadly with a small pout. "I'm just gonna get your bags little one, it's okay," Corpse reassured before stepping out the room.

Tina tugged Rae's sleeve gently and clung onto her when Rae opened her arms for a hug. "You feeling small too love?," Rae asked and Tina nodded slowly, holding up 1 finger for her. "Aww so tiny!," Rae cooed at Tina who blushed and hid her face in Rae's shirt.

Corpse returned with Sykunno and Tina's bags, handing Tina's to Rae. Sykunno opened his bag, with struggles, and grabbed his paci which was green with a small darker green leaf on the center piece and his stuffed bear who was named leafy.

Tina, on the other hand, had a pink paci with a orange carrot in the center and a stuffed bunny named Cindy.

Sykunno suckled on his paci softly while being held by Corpse as he slowly drifted off the sleep holding his teddy. Tina was in a similar situation but was instead being carried and rocked by Rae.

Corpse and Rae glanced at each other and knew they were stuck for the night but couldn't care considering they were stuck with their favorite people.

An: I just wrote in this one sitting my back hurts :,) anyways hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading remember to get rest, eat, and drink a bunch of water love you guys! -A

word count: 801

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