Family (Tommy)

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Little: Tommy (2)
Cgs: Wilbur, Techno, Phil 

4/4 sbi pog

plot: Tommy is staying with Phil and Wilbur while Techno is visiting and he slips but thankfully he has all three of his caregivers with him.

Tw/Cws: Abuse, neglect, not eating.

Tommy parents weren't the nicest people, they were always pushing him around and controlling him in one way or another. They usually didn't let him eat and took his hard earned money so of course when he got the opportunity to stay at Phils place with Techno and Wilbur for a few weeks while Techno was visiting he happily took it.

Even if his family life wasn't the way it was he'd still say yes! These were his family figures after all and he loved them.

Of course getting his parents to agree was a hassle but after they met Phil, and Tommy practically begged them, they finally agreed.

Tommy was packing in his room with his mom watching from the  doorway. ring. His phone started ringing and he went to grab it but instead got a smack on his hand. He watched his mother pick up the phone and ask who was calling with a annoyed look on his face.

"Hello? Mrs. Simons speaking," .

"Hello Mrs. Simons I just wanted to ask if tommy was all packed up?," Tommy could just barely make out Wilburs voice through the phones speaker. His mom started pacing around the house which gave him time to quickly put his little gear in the secret pocket of his duffel bag, it wasn't much but Wilbur had more at his place.

Right after he closed the bag his mom walked back in the room and handed him his phone. "He's outside waiting, don't keep him waiting for long,". And with that she walked out of the room and left him alone. He grabbed his bag, put his phone in his hoodie pocket, and walked out to Wilburs car.

"Hey Toms!," Wilbur said excitedly, he was happy to be staying the next few weeks with his online family especially since his little was also going to be there and he wouldn't have to hide his regression since they all knew about it.

"You excited to see Techno?," Wilbur asked, clearly trying to make small talk but getting silence in return. Wilbur glanced to the side and noticed Tommy sleeping soundly in the passenger seat of the car. Wilbur knew that Tommy usually never took naps, even while small he put up quite the fight during naptime, so he was quite suspicious to see Tommy napping.

Wilbur shrugged it off and kept driving, being extra careful on the bumps to make sure Tommy stood asleep. After WIlbur pulled up outside of Phils house he turned to Tommy, who was still asleep, and tapped him.

Tommy jumped and opened his eyes quickly, clearly not expecting the sudden touch. "Tom, are you alright buddy?," Wilbur asked. He was clearly suspicious of Tommys actions but he was far more worried than upset.

"Nothin' Wil, I'm just a light sleeper you scared me man!," Tommy laughed nervously, trying to play it off, and it seemed to work when Wilbur started laughing along with him.

"Alright well, we're here Toms," Wilbur said after they calmed down a bit. Tommy looked as though he could slip at any second, Wilbur knew the look he would get while slipping by now. Tommys eyes were a bit wide and glossed over but not as much as a actual child, he was fidgeting with his fingers and he looked very tired.

"Tommy, are you feeling a bit small angel?," Wilbur asked, he wanted to know just in case, after all little Tommy did tend get overwhelmed very easily. Tommy shook his head and opened his mouth to respond but quickly shut it again.

Wilbur knew that Tommy did this a lot, it was almost as if he didn't think he was allowed to speak. "Go ahead bud," Wilbur encouraged lightly. "Not small just slipping, don't wanna be small," Tommy mumbled.

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