Waiting for Dream (George)

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Little: George (2-3)
Babysitter: Karl
Caregiver: Dream

Tw/Cws: Sad little (that's all, lots of fluff)

George stuck out his tongue at Karl and stomped away to the corner. Karl followed, giving George a apologetic look. "I'm sorry bud but you've been bad today and I need to clean up this mess, you only need to be here ten minutes," Karl pat George's head and walked away, leaving the little to sulk in the corner of his play room.

George huffed and held his knees up to his chest, his eyes tearing up slightly. He didn't mean to be bad! He just wanted Dream to get home already. Where was Dream anyways?

"Karl?," George mumbled out quietly. Karl hummed and looked back at George, picking up a few toys in the process. "What's wrong hun?," Karl asked worriedly, he didn't want George to cry or be upset, that was never the intention.

"Miss Dream," George looked up at Karl with sad eyes, filled with tears. "George don't cry! It's okay, Dreams gonna be back any minute!," Karl said, concern lacing his voice. He went over to George and sat next to him, George almost instantly climbing into his lap.

Karl chuckled softly, it was quite ironic after all. Big George hated anything close to physical touch while little George needed it constantly to survive.

George huffed and rested his head on Karl's chest. He was quite sad, he didn't mean to be bad or bratty and he didn't mean to make such a mess, he just missed his caregiver and, though Karl is a amazing babysitter, he just wanted Dream to come back.

"Didn' mean to be bad jus' wan Dream back," George mumbled sadly, his eyes filling with more tears that threatened to spill at any moment. "I know honey it's hard to be without Dream, I don't blame you. And it's okay, messes can be cleaned up!," Karl said happily, trying to direct the littles thoughts elsewhere for the time being.

"Tan we clean 'gether?," George asked hopefully and when Karl nodded with a soft smile, he smiled back.

"C'mon buddy let's get to work," Karl pulled George up and they began to clean alongside each other.

"I'm home!," Dream called out about a hour later. George ran to the front door and threw himself into Dreams arms. "Hi small one, I'm sorry I took so long. Traffic was bad. Did you and Karl have fun?," Dream asked, happily clinging onto his baby.

"Was sad at first but helped Karl clean! An' happy now!," George giggled happily as Dream carried him into the house and closed the door. George was much happier now and the house was very clean. Karl himself was exhausted but happy because George was happy.

A/N: Honestly had this idea come to me in a dream, ironic isn't it? Also this is mainly just a short filler chapter til I get a longer request out -M<3

Word count: 498

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