burrito blanket (Dream+Tina)

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Littles: Dream and Tina
Cg: Sapnap

Tw/Cws: None

Note: before anyone says the plot is unrealistic, my sisters ex got stuck like this before and couldn't get out without my sisters help so-

"Dream, what're you doing?," Tina giggled quietly at her phone. She had answered a call from Dream who was apparently stuck somewhere?

"Stuck!," Dream huffed out, clearly not very amused at Tina's laughing. "Stuck where?," She giggled out.

"Stuck in my blanket, like a burrito," Tina laughed a high pitched squeaky laugh at this, she couldn't help it. (I laugh like this-)

Tina only laughed more when Dreams camera turned on and showed the pouting boy wrapped tightly in his blanket, he was clearly on the floor.

"Did you... did you fall?," Tina interrupted herself mid sentence and sucked in some much needed air.

"Mhm, n' now I can't get out!," Tina clearly knew Dream was regressed but she couldn't help laughing.

"Why- how did you get stuck like that?," Tina successfully calmed herself and decided to actually attempt to help the boy.

"Dunno, woke up like this," Dream shrugged, though it couldn't be seen because of the blanket.

He was half on the floor and half still on his bed, his upper body was laying on the floor while his lower body was on his bed. He didn't even seem too frustrated or upset about the situation.

"And your first instinct was to call me?," Tina smiled, clearly amused with the situation when Dream nodded.

"Naps not here, Tinzas next option," Dream pouted once again at the mention of Sapnap, his beloved caregiver, not being home.

"Hmm, and George?," Tina asked, George was always Dreams second option.

"Gogys sleepin', he got a bad sleepin'... time," Dream couldn't remember the word schedule existed therefore he used a substitute.

Tine would question how he knew George was asleep later.

"Uh huhhh, back to the topic. Can you wiggle your way out?," Tina was fine with talking to Dream this way but she'd prefer if he wasn't trapped in a blanket.

"Nuh uh, tried dat. I fink... I gotta wait til naps home," Dream let out a frustrated sigh for the first time that night.

Dream probably could've freed himself if he was big but he wasn't big and probably wouldn't be for a while.

He wasn't sure where Sapnap even was, he assumed he was out grocery shopping considering it was around seven pm. What else could the ginger possibly be doing?

"Yeah, that's probably our best bet," Tina faked a pout, Dream giggling softly at her.

<time skip>

Dream went silent as the sound of keys jingling rang through the house.

His face lit up as he realized who it was. "Naps home!," Dream excitedly wiggled, attempting to free himself so he could run to his caregiver.

Tina chuckled softly at Dream, he clearly forgot about the situation that caused him to be on the phone with her in the first place.

"Sappy!," Dream cried out happily as his caregiver appeared in his doorway with a amused smile on his face.

"What's going on in here?," Sapnap asked, a light chuckle leaving his mouth.

"I stuck, n' Tinza talk ta me while we wait fo' you," Dream explained quickly, he wanted out of the blanket.

He'd been laying on his back for around thirty minutes by now and it wasn't very comfortable anymore, his legs were asleep.

"Ah, you need my help?," Sapnap teased lightly, he knew Dream was okay and not injured.

"Yes!," Dream huffed out, giggling immediately after. "Magic word?," Tina giggled at this, piping up after not speaking for several minutes.

"P'ease Sappy!" Dream reached out for Sapnap as he said this. "It was lotion but mkay," Sapnap walked towards the mentally younger.

Sapnap carefully unwrapped Dream and helped him up, Dream grasping onto him tightly.

"Tinza lookie! M' free!," Dream grabbed his phone from the floor and showed Tina that he was now, in fact, free.

"Very cool dreamy," Tina smiled at Dream and he gave her a goofy grin in return.

"Alright guys, I'm gonna go to bed now," Tina said, her voice small. "Mkay bub, talk to you later," Sapnap spoke up.

He knew that small voice all too well.

"Bye bye Sappy n' Dre," Tina waved at the camera and ended the call, not before mispressing many buttons though.

Tina usually regressed at night before bed and Sapnap knew she'd call if anything so he wasn't worried.

"Okay bubas, let's get you in the bath and then to bed hm?," Sapnap tickled Dreams side gently.

Dream giggled and nodded as fast as his small mind would let him.

<Tina's perspective>

Tina hummed quietly to herself as she waddled to her bed. She grabbed her paci from her drawer and her phone.

She opened Netflix and turned on bee and puppycat, it was her favorite show! (Same)

She snuggled against her pillow and blankets and settled in for the night, knowing very well that if anything went wrong Sapnap was just a call away.

A/N: This isn't that good but I'm struggling rn with writers block and motivation so hush- -T<3

Word count: 866

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