books and excitement (Wil)

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Little: Wilbur (Babyspace at the end) Cgs: Phil, Kristin

Tw/Cws: Upset little, feeling like someone doesn't care about your special interest, dissociation.

I've seen clips of Wilbur thinking he's ND so this is based off my experiences with having undiagnosed adhd and autism.

"Yeah! And, and-," Wilbur excitedly opened and closed his hands as he explained a book he was currently reading.

It was a really good book! And he thought more people should know about it so he was talking to Phil while he was live about it.

"Wil, mate, calm down," Phil chuckled a bit as he said this, Wilbur didn't find it funny though.

Wilbur pouted slightly. "Sorry..," A small voice said and Phil instantly felt a bit guilty.

"No, no it's okay Wil," Phil reasured, pausing minecraft and looking at Wilburs face cam through his other monitor.

Wilbur was anxiously chewing on his nails, a sort of sad expression clouding his features.

'I'll be right back' Phil typed in their discord chat then left the call.

Wilbur slowly read the message then re-read the message. He didn't know exactly what it said, his brain wasn't comprehending it.

Wilbur leaned back in his chair, his eyes welling up with tears.

He only wanted someone to share his book with.

"Back!," Phils voice scared Wilbur and he scrambled to turn off his camera.

"What's wrong Wil?," Phil asked worriedly. "I dunno," Wilbur mumbled, his voice muffled.

"Wilbur, camera?," Phil said, it was a question but to Wilbur it sounded more like a demand.

Wilbur turned on his camera with a shaky hand and returned to whatever he was doing before.

He had his head resting on his mic arm and he was chewing on a small chew necklace that Techno had bought him after he refused to buy his own because 'it would be too embarrassing,' .

"Buddy, are you feeling small?," Phil asked softly. Wilbur didn't really know. The only feeling he could identify was his sadness.

He also didn't necessarily know why he felt sad either honestly.

"Maybe, dunno," He mumbled after moments of thinking about it. "Honey, are you upset at me?," Phil asked, hurt slightly seeping into his tone.

Wilbur felt the need to say no just because Phil felt sad, he felt the need to tell him it was okay. But he couldn't.

"Mhm," Wilbur slightly nodded. "Can I know why, please?," Wilbur knew Phil wasn't going to let this go.

"I was jus' 'cited," Wilbur whispered. Phil racked his brain for any clue as to what Wilbur was talking about, he was quite forgetful.

His eyes widened as he realized and guilt immediately spread through his mind.

"I'm sorry bub, I didn't mean to make you feel like I didn't wanna hear about your book," Phil apologized and Wilbur, despite his issues with tone, could tell he meant it.

"Is otay," Wilbur mumbled. Phil could tell he was zoned out. Wilbur usually regressed when he was upset or when his neurodivergency was acting up therefore he wasn't normally all there when little.

Either he was dissociated or zoned out, Phil hoped it was the second one.

"Angel, you there?," Phil cooed quietly. Wilbur just glanced at the camera and didn't reply.

Phil hummed and nodded. Wilbur was definitely dissociated. Phil knew that the book thing probably wasn't the reason, that was the thing that most likely pushed him over the edge.

"Wilbur, honey, can you hear me?," Wilburs head snapped up at the sound of Kristins soft voice.

"Muma?," He whispered quietly. "Hi bubbas!," Kristin cooed at Wilbur softly.

Her voice sounded so gentle and soft and it made Wilbur feel extra tiny.

"Hewo mama," Wilbur raised his hand in a slow wave but set it down after realizing how heavy it felt.

"Are you alright my dear?," She asked softly, oh so softly. "Dunno," Wilbur answered. It was true, he didn't know.

"Okay angel," She nodded thoughtfully. "You think you can make it to your room?," .

"Where papa?," Wilbur asked quietly after noticing Phils absence. "Dadas here Wil," Phils voice called out from behind Kristin.

"Otay," Wilbur carefully laid his head on his desk, reaching under to find the emergency stuffie he had put there.

Kristin, sat in Phils chair, watched the little, watching in case Wilbur moved a certain way that told her he was uncomfortable or upset and waiting for in case he needed her.

Phil got Kristin because she was a big comfort for little, and big, Wilbur. Her voice alone could ease him through a anxiety attack.

"Bubas?," Kristin called out. When Wilbur hummed she smiled. "Do you think you can move to the couch?," She knew he was probably at his desk, he was definitely at home.

"Uhm, maybe," He mumbled, staring at his desk with unfocused eyes.

He stood up slowly and grabbed his phone. Wilbur made his way over to the couch clumsily and flopped down.

Once there, he opened his phone and called Phil again.

"Ma'e it," Wilbur said, his voice wasn't really above a whisper though. "Hi bun, good job!," Kristin praised him happily and despite Wilbur loving Kristins praise he didn't even smile.

"Wilbur, honey, could you tell mama what's bothering you?," Kristin cooed quietly, she sounded like she really cared and Wilbur felt like he had to speak now.

"Jus' bad day, wike- wike is cold n' can't find stuffie n' other stuffs," He whispered with a wavering voice. Just the thought of how hard his day had been since he woke up slipping pushed him over the edge.

"Oh baby," Kristin said affectionately. "It's okay sweet boy, you're okay now," She cooed at the boy. Her boy.

Wilbur sighed quietly at his mamas motherly voice and her sweet, loving, words.

He resituated himself and grabbed a pillow, hugging it instead of laying on it.

"You wanna nap honey? You can nap," Wilbur heard his papas voice now and it only pulled him further into his head space, now teetering on babyspace.

"Mhm," Was all Wilbur muttered, his eyes slowly closing against his will. He couldn't help it when he dropped his phone due to his body relaxing.

He couldn't really find it in him to get up and get it though so he laid there silently and slowly falling asleep.

☆ Bonus ☆

Wilbur opened his eyes carefully, blinking a few times to adjust. He didn't know where he was or how he got there. All he remembered last was being at his desk and talking to Phil.

Where was Phil?

Oh well.

He was tired and sleeping on the couch wasn't very good for his height. He stood up, toppling slightly, and grabbed his phone which he saw on the floor.

He made his way to his bedroom slowly and carefully, sliding his fingers against the wall as he walked.

When he reached his room he just flopped down onto his bed. He had no idea what happened earlier but he had no energy to even question himself. Maybe he'd ask Phil later.

He reached over and grabbed a stuffed animal, hugging it against his chest tightly, and let himself drift off.

Maybe he didn't want to remember what happened. (This is basically me saying that something bad bad happened and his small mind made him forget it, angst)

AN: This is just me projecting onto Wilbur- what a bittersweet chapter uh anyway  -M♡

Word count: 1239

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