I'm a man (Fundy)

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little: Fundy
Cg: Eret

Plot: y'know when Schlatt was all mean and tells Fundy "I'm a man" ? this is the aftermath of that. (Ik in the clip he was referring to the fact that Fundy is a fox but also- angst)

Tw/Cws: Implied transphobia.

The sentence kept replaying in his head.

"I'm a man,"

over and over and over.

God he wished it would stop.

Fundy ran. As soon as the words that Schlatt had said sunk in he turned and ran into the woods away from everyone and their judgment, away from him, away from society.

He didn't exactly know where he was but soon enough he lost his breath and slowed down, soon stopping completely and slumping down against a tree.

He whimpered quietly as tears poured down his cheeks, Feeling that familiar fuzzy feeling in his head only further distressed him.

He wanted to regress so badly but now wasn't exactly the time as he was in the middle of the woods lost, cold, sad, and hungry and he had no idea where his caregiver was. His caregiver. That's who he wanted right now.

He wanted his buba to cuddle him and tell him that everything was okay. Even if he thought things weren't okay.

Eret was walking through the woods looking for fundy. They had heard about what had happened and knew that he would've most likely involuntarily regressed. They knew that he ran into the woods but they didn't know where.

The idea of their baby lost in the middle of the woods alone made their heart ache. They panicked and began walking faster but stopped when they heard small panicked whimpers.

"Fundy? Where are you bud? Fundy!," Eret called out. "Mama?," A small voice called out. "Yes sweetie it's Mama, Where are you hun?," .

" 'M right here," fundy said back, his voice very small and a bit high pitched which gave Eret a clear sign that he was in fact regressed. They kept talking to the boy and followed the sound of his voice.

They eventually found Fundy curled up under a tree with his knees close to his chest. He was very clearly shaking and terrified and he seemed cold.

"It's alright, I'm here now," Eret took off their cape and wrapped it around Fundy, gently clipping it in the front.

"Hungy," Fundy whimpered and looked up at Eret. They took notice of his teary and scared eyes, he also looked incredibly tired.

"Here you go lovebug," Eret handed him some berries and sat next to him on the grass.

"When was the last time you slept hm?," Eret softly scratched behind his ears as he ate the sweet berries slowly.

"Umm... dunno," Fundy gave up thinking about it pretty quickly and instead turned to face his caregiver.

"Buba?," Eret hummed and looked at the little. "Don' feel good," Fundy looked at the grass shamefully.

"What's wrong bub? Does your tummy hurt?," Fundy shook his head and pointed to his chest.

"Heart hurt, don' feel nice," Eret teared up and reached out for Fundy, wrapping him in a warm hug.

"Buba?," Fundy asked again, sniffling a bit. "Yes angel?," Fundy looked at his hands then clung onto Eret.

"Why does words hurt?," Eret squeezed Fundy tighter.

"Some people are mean bub, and we can't do anything about it but don't let it get to you alright? He was wrong little prince so so wrong,"

Fundy left it at that. He was far too tired to keep talking and his heart felt better with Eret holding him close.

He didn't want it to end.

A/N: I'm attempting to go through my drafts and finish them so prepare for alot of chapters! ^^ -A<3

Word count: 624

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