Chronic pain (Tubbo)

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Little: Tubbo (3)
Cg: Lani (his sister)

This chapter is literally for me to help me cope with my chronic joint pain but I'll share with you guys too.

Tw/Cws: Chronic pain.

Disclaimer: Tubbo, to our knowledge, doesn't have chronic pain. He does in this chapter because I do and it's a comfort chapter for me.

Tubbo huffed as a dull ache spread throughout his leg when he entered his room.

He flopped down on his couch, grumbling into the couch cushions. "Toby?," A slightly worried voice startled the brunette and he yelped and quickly stood up.

He took a deep breath, a hand placed over his chest as he calmed. "Hi Lani," Tubbo smiled as he said this despite the sharp aches running through his knees.

"What's wrong," His sister asked, immediately getting up from where she sat at his desk.

"Nothing just pain, y'know the usual," He flopped back onto the couch while saying this.

"Want a heating pad? Or a blanket? I wanna help," The caring tone of his sisters voice sent Tubbo slipping almost immediately.

"Uhh a blanket? Please," He chewed his lip as he chose his words carefully. He didn't really want her knowing he slipped, there was no reason for him to hide it though.

His sister smiled knowingly and walked over to his bed to grab his favorite blanket, a soft baby blanket that was light yellow.

He adored the blanket and carried it everywhere when small.

"Want this?," Lani held up the prized possession and Tubbo immediately forgot about trying to mask.

He reached out for the blanket and smiled when it was handed to him, rubbing the soft fabric against his face and sighing contently.

"Hi there kiddo," Lani cooed at him softly, her hand reaching to ruffle his hair gently.

He giggled quietly and closed his eyes.

Tubbo opened them and whined when a small pang of pain went through his legs. He hated having pain so much.

"Are your legs bothering you? C'mere," Lani sat on the couch and opened her arms for her brother, he scooted into them almost instantly.

Tubbo laid his head on her lower neck and she put her chin on his head lightly. "It hurts," He mumbled, his eyes squeezed tight to prevent tears from falling.

"I know bub, I know," Lani mumbled in response. She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him protectively, as if she was shielding him from the pain.

Tubbo clung onto his sister with one hand, holding her shirt tightly, and his blanket with his other hand.

"If I could take all your pain away, I would," Lani whispered.

Tubbo could barely hear her but he smiled. A pained, tired smile.

AN: Wooo comfort chapter. My pain is constant and usually feels like a dull throb but on bad days (which are often) it's spread out sharp pains. In conclusion, it sucks. -T<3

Word count: 490

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