Sugar cookies (Gogy)

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Little: George (5-2) 
Cgs: Dream, Sapnap
Others: Patches
Punz is mentioned

Tw/Cws: Being cold, Sapnap jokes about Dream drugging George (He doesn't)

Also I'm a bit of a baker myself so:) I've never made sugar cookies though, it's on my to-do list

George shivered as he walked. He didn't know how he could possibly make himself warmer at this point. He had his arms wrapped tightly around his chest, he was wearing gloves and a hat, and he was so close to Dream he could feel the heat radiating off him but he was still freezing.

Maybe he should've listened to Dream when he said to wear a jacket instead of the oversized sweater (that was maybe Sapnaps but nobody said anything about it) that he was currently wearing but he wanted to be comfortable! And nobody could argue with that.

He was already half regressed and he simply wanted to go inside but he promised Dream he'd help decorate and he really did want to help.

It wasn't really that cold but George was a bit small and the cool breeze was making it feel colder then it really was.

"Dream?," George shuffled over to Dream and tugged on his sweater lightly. "Yeah?," Dream replied, looking over his shoulder from where he was hanging lights on the drainer pipes.

" 'm cold," George mumbled, looking down as if he was ashamed. "Aww, that's okay gogs. You wanna go inside? It's nice and warm in there," Georges eyes fluttered from the sudden affection he was receiving. 

"Yes p'ease," George was quick to agree, forgetting all about the decorating, and Dream gave him a gentle smile. Dream, too, forgot about the decorations almost instantly and he grabbed Georges hand to lead him into the house.

Dream helped George get his gloves, hat, scarf, and shoes off then sent him off to find Sapnap while he brought the decorations inside.

George ran through the hallways, happily searching for Sapnap. He would be lying if he said he didn't slip on the slippery floors once or twice... or maybe four times.

"Nap!," George said happily, opening the door to Sapnaps room with a sudden urgency. "Hey gogs, what's up?," Sapnap got up from his desk and went to stand where the brunette was.

"Dream sayed to come finded you," George announced proudly, he successfully found Sapnap!

"Any particular reason why?," Georges face scrunched up at the big word and he shook his head.

"Alright, let's go to Dream then yeah?," He held his hand out to George and the little grabbed two of his fingers.

Sapnap had to remind the little to slow down a few times while they searched for Dream.

"D'eam!," George called out once they spotted the dirty blond. He was in the kitchen, cleaning. If George was big he would've commented on Dreams habit of cleaning up after everyone, but George wasn't big. And it was him who made the mess that Dream was cleaning...

"George!," Dream replied, using the same tone that George had used.

"I founded Nap!," George said, climbing onto one of the chairs at the island. Sapnap caught him when his foot slipped and helped him onto the chair.

"You did! Good job, love," Georges smile brightened at the praise. "I wanted to ask if you wanted to make cookies with us," Dream said, turning to Sapnap.

"Sure, why not?," Sapnap agreed, it wasn't like he had anything else to do. Though Punz would probably be irritated by Sapnap not answering his messages... But they'd surely understand.

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