Forgotten about (Tommy)

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Little:Tommy (4-1) Cg:Ranboo, Phil extras mentioned: Hannah, Micheal.

Tw/Cws: Being forgotten about, feeling jealous, crying little, guilt.

Nobodys pov:

Tommy sat up in bed, his fuzzy brain making him confused and slow. He looked around his room and got off his bed, wobbling to the closet.

Tommy hummed to himself as he gathered some clothes that were only for when he was small.

He grabbed a hoodie with colorful patches on it, black overall jean shorts, and fuzzy socks with his converses.

He tugged on the shoes after getting dressed and was glad the shoes had straps because he doubted he'd be able to tie his laces.

Tommy stood up, still quite wobbly, and made his way to the door before remembering about his little things.

Tommy rushed back to his closet and grabbed his paci, sippy cup, and a stuffie then grabbed a small bookbag and stuffed everything into the bag.

Tommy wanted to go see Ranboo, his caregiver! Ranboo said to go to him if he was small and so that's what he was going to do.

Tommy stepped out of his house, putting his pacifier in his mouth and smiling happily. The majority of the people on the server knew about regression and though not a lot knew about Tommy regressing, it probably wouldn't be a surprise.

Tommy walked down the path towards snowchester, zoning out a bit. Every few minutes a person passed and waved to Tommy, who happily waved back.

"Hi Tommy!," Hannah said while she passed then awed as he waved and giggled from behind his pacifier.

Tommy was beginning to reach Ranboos house, his excitement growing.

Tommy walked across the snow and knocked on Ranboos door, playing a little song with his knocking.

Ranboo opened the door and barely even glanced at Tommy before rushing back inside.

Tommy frowned but walked inside. "Sorry Tommy! Micheals being fussy and I'm trying to help but Tubbos not here!," Ranboo walked back up the ladder to Micheals room while explaining.

"Is okay," Tommy mumbled and sat on the floor. Ranboo didn't even know Tommy was little, Tommy knew he didn't know because if he did Ranboo would've called for Tubbo or Phil or anyone really to watch Tommy.

Tommy was sitting in the same spot for about a hour just watching Ranboo as he rushed around the house.

Tommy didn't mean to but he honestly couldn't help but feel a bit jealous, besides in his defense Ranboo had been Tommys caregiver for longer then he'd had Micheal.

Tommy pulled his legs up and hugged his knees to his chest, resting his head on his knees.

"Sorry again Tommy," Ranboo said again, this time actually looking at Tommy.

Ranboo stopped in his tracks, his face showing pure guilt. "Tommy? Bubs?," Ranboo walked to Tommy and sat in front of him.

Tommy just whined, his eyes tearing up. "Bug I'm so sorry! I didn't know your little," Ranboo reached out and hugged Tommy only to pull away quickly when Tommy flinched.

Ranboo could feel his own eyes tearing up as he stood up. "I'll call Phil, I'm so sorry buddy," Ranboo pulled out his communicator and began pacing as Tommy sat in the same spot, tears now streaming down his face.

Ranboo wanted to help so badly but he knew he'd probably make things worse.

Phil walked into the door and immediately went to Tommy, sitting next to the crying little.

"What's wrong Toms?," Phil rubbed Tommys back reassuringly. "Boo i'nore me n' 'got 'bout me," Tommy looked up at Phil, tears still streaming down his face.

Ranboo stopped pacing and looked over at Tommy, he really didn't mean to he was just so busy with Micheal and he didn't have time! He knew that wasn't a excuse though.

Ranboo jumped as crying began from Micheals room and he looked back and forth between the room and Tommy.

Phil nodded and Ranboo rushed to Micheals room.

"It's okay mate, I'm sure he didn't mean to," Phil brang Tommy in for a hug, the little relaxing into the touch.

" m' sowwy," Tommy mumbled as he closed his eyes. "What for bub?," Tommy shook his head and shrugged. "Don' know, feel wike should be sowwy," Phil frowned and readjusted Tommy.

Tommy was now sitting in Phils lap, his head on his shoulder. "You have nothing to be sorry for," Phil began rocking himself and the little, soothing Tommy.

Tommy shook his head again and clutched onto Phils shirt.

"Tired Toms?," Phil smiled as Tommy nodded. "You can sleep, I'll still be here when you wake up," Phil pat Tommys head gently.

"Boo?," Tommy mumbled, half asleep. "Boo will be here too," Tommy nodded, satisfied with that answer, and he let himself fall asleep.

Tommys grip on Phils shirt tightened as he fell asleep, his body relaxing. Phil smiled sadly at the boy.

A/N: I felt like writing aluminum duo angst today- idk why -A<3


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