First time (Wilbur)

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Here's my first ever attempt at writing someone regressing for the first time unknowingly and of course it has to be Wilbur.

Little: Wilbur (4)
Others: Ash, Phil

Tw/Cw: Regressing for the first time, mental exhaustion.

Wilbur closed his guitar case and huffed in relief, leaning back against the couch he was sat on. He didn't know what it was today but he was very tired and honestly couldn't wait to get home.

He knew he could call off band practice if he really needed to but he didn't feel like disappointing anyone, especially not his friends.

Ash tapped Wilburs shoulder and opened his arms, silently offering a hug. Wilbur fell into his arms and stood there, closing his eyes.

Wilbur closed his house door with his foot. He stumbled inside and just barely got his sneakers off before he collapsed onto his bed, not even bothering to take his outside clothes off.

Wilbur allowed his eyes to close as sleep washed over him, his body relaxed into the mattress.


Wilbur woke up the next morning to a knock on his door. He got off his bed and, with weak legs, stumbled to the door, not bothering to look through the peek hole before opening.

Phil stood on the other side of the door holding Wilburs guitar case with a soft smile.

"Hey mate, your friends said you left your guitar at Ashs place and I didn't have anything to do today so I thought I'd bring it to you," Phil explained as he stepped into the slightly messy apartment.

He didn't mind the mess though, he knew Wilbur was busy and didn't usually have time to clean or put things away.

"Thanks Phil, let me go get dressed," Phil smiled and shook his head, Wilbur was already dressed.

Most people would think Wilbur was drunk or something but Phil knew this was just how he was in the morning, tired and forgetful.

Phil set the guitar on a chair and got started on the dishes, humming to himself quietly.

Wilbur came out of his bedroom now wearing a brown sweater and black jeans. The pants were incredibly uncomfortable to him but he didn't really understand why, he wore those jeans often.

His brain kept telling him to change into softer pants and take a nap. He couldn't quite understand his thoughts at the moment, they were quite childish to him. 'Take a nap', 'play with toys', and 'watch cartoons' Were the more frequent ones, he didn't even own any baby toys!

"You alright, mate?," Phil was now standing in front of him drying his hands on a towel.

"Uh yeah, thanks for washing the dishes," Phil noted how Wilburs noise was quieter than usual and he looked like he was slouching a bit which was weird considering he had good posture.

"It's all good Wil, I'll help when I can," Phil patted him on the shoulder. "Can I um talk to you about something?," Phil was quite surprised at this because if something was bothering Wilbur he never usually wanted to talk about it, he usually had to be coaxed into it.

"Yeah sure, wanna sit?," Wilbur nodded and they sat on the couch, Phil again noticed how Wilbur seemed to be leaning more towards Phil, almost as if he wanted to lean on his shoulder.

"So I'm not sure what this is but..Yesterday I was really tired during band practice, which was weird, and I've started having a fuzzy? Feeling in my head a lot," Wilbur paused and looked at Phil who seemed to be thinking.

"And weird childish thoughts, like my brain keeps telling me to take a nap and watch cartoons and stuff like that," Wilbur took a breath after finishing, even though he didn't know what it was he couldn't help but feel anxious.

"Hmm, should we look it up?," Phil offered and Wilbur was happy to at least have a option.

"I didn't think about that," Wilbur grabbed his laptop, which was on the coffee table since he used it at the couch last.

"What do I even search up?," Phil laughed at this. "Your symptoms Wil, fuzzy feeling and childish thoughts," Phil said this as if it was obvious but Wilbur was having a lot of brain fog and was struggling to think clearly.

Wilbur typed in what Phil said and scrolled through articles. 'Is your teen being childish?' And 'how to clear brain fog' Seemed to be the only things popping up until something else loaded onto the screen.

'Are you experiencing Age regression? How to tell' Wilbur clicked the link and scrolled through the article, Phil reading from over his shoulder.

"This seems a lot like it," Wilbur mumbled mostly to himself though Phil heard it clearly.

Phil was reading a lot faster than Wilbur so he finished the article first. He'd understood everything he read and decided that maybe he should get Wilbur to embrace it.

Phil leaned closer to Wilbur, who in return subconsciously put his head on the olders shoulder.

"You alright buddy?," Phil asked while patting Wilburs back. "Mm, tired," Was all Wilbur said in return.

"Would you like to take a nap?," Phil offered though it was nine am. "Yes p'ease,".

Phil helped Wilbur to his bed, steadying him when he stumbled, and laid him down, giving him a extra pillow which he cuddled as if it were a stuffed animal.

"Night wil," Phil smiled down at the boy. "Ni ni," Wilbur mumbled in response before closing his eyes slowly.

Phil closed the curtains then walked out the room, leaving the door slightly open just in case. Phil went back to the laptop and continued to do research so he could be prepared.

This didn't seem like a bad coping mechanism and Wilbur seemed quite calm embracing it so maybe it could help him.

A/N: Pretty good me thinks. Anyway- thanks for reading ^^ Remember to eat, drink water, and get rest! -A<3

Word count: 1003

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