the king and his mini royals

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Requested by: @Marz_Barz

Little(s): Ranboo (2-3), Tommy (3-4), Tubbo (1½)
Cg: Eret
Flip: Fundy (2-3)

Prompt: The bench trio decide to adventure into the forest and tubbo ends up regressing which leads to all of them regressing but Eret comes to the rescue! (Hc: Tommy has adhd and is trans)

Tw/Cws: Cursing, crying, getting lost.

"C'mon ranboob don't be a pussy!," Tommy whined, he and Tubbo had been trying to get Ranboo to agree to go exploring in a nearby forest that they recently discovered.

"I don't know guys, what if we get lost?Or end up regressing?We all know how that goes," Ranboo rolled his eyes at the last part as they had a sort of domino effect where if one of them regresses they all eventually do.

Tommy's cheeks went red, clearly embarrassed at the mention of his headspace while he was big, while Tubbo just stared at him.

They could both tell that Tubbo was on the verge of regressing but that didn't stop them from desperately wanting to explore that forest!

"Come on Rannn, what are you scared or something?," Tubbo snickered, he knew exactly how to get under his friends skin.

"No! I'm just being responsible!," Ranboo got very defensive then sighed knowing he had lost this argument and threw his arms up in defeat.

"Fine! But when something goes wrong don't blame me," Ranboo huffed, knowing full well they'd blame him.

Tommy and Tubbo cheered at their win and they each grabbed one of Ranboos arms, dragging them to the forest which wasn't too far away walking wise.

Soon enough they arrived at the forest and even sooner they had already lost one of the members of their small group.

"TUBBO!," Tommy shouted, Ranboo shushed him almost instantly. "Tommy you know Tubbo regresses when scared and yelling scares him a lot," He reminded the boy.

Tommy nodded slowly, seeming to be moving slower too. "Rannn," The younger whined out, reaching out to clutch onto Ranboos arm.

"Yes Tommy?," Ranboo seemed to be oblivious to the fact that Tommy had clearly regressed as he continued to search for the missing boy.

Tommy whined again and clutched onto their arm tighter. "Ow Tommy!...Oh," The realization finally hit Ranboo as he glanced at Tommy's face.

Tommy looked scared... Terrified actually. "Where Tubs?," Tommy asked, his lip wobbling a bit.

"He's- uh.. I- I don't know...," Ranboo stopped walking suddenly as the weight of the situation finally crashed down onto them.

His, probably regressed, friend was missing and his other friend was regressed and on the verge of tears.

These thoughts alone were enough to force Ranboos headspace to come crashing down onto him and he started crying instantly, then cried more when his tears began to burn him.

Tommy also began to cry and soon enough soft sobs could be heard echoing around the trees of the big forest coming from both the boys who had sat on the earth floor.

Eret slowly made her way through the forest, plucking berries off the bushes and picking flowers out of the ground.

She stopped slowly as she heard what sounded like soft crying? Coming from the darkness the big trees casted upon the forest.

"Hello?," She called out in a deep but worried voice. The crying continued without stopping even slightly but she could now hear it sounded like multiple, maybe two, people.

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