Dada? (Sap)

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Little: Sapnap (1) Cg: Bbh extras: Karl, Quackity, Skeppy

Tw/Cw: Fighting, Crying, Not eating?

Disclaimer: I am using Canon heights in this so Bad is 9ft tall, Sap is 5'10, and Skeppy is 2 ft tall. 👍🏻

Requested by: doodlebug_hannah

Nobodies pov:

Get away!
Not good!
They're mad!

Sapnap was running. He didn't know when he started or where exactly he was going but his brain told him to run, as much as his body protested, and so he did.

He couldn't think straight. Maybe it was his mind erasing his memory so he wouldn't relive it or maybe it was the brain fog, that he was so very grateful for in this moment.

He remembered screaming and Karl and he also remembered Quackity. He knew Karl was accusing wrongfully and he knew he should take Qs side but he was so scared and he was so tired and he just didn't have it in him to fight anymore.

In his opinion everyone should be friends and nobody should fight or yell, why yell when talking exists! Sometimes he felt he was the only sensible one.

He felt his arms and face being scraped by the tree branches as he ripped through the forest but he couldn't care less.

Suddenly he broke through the trees and his feet hit solid floor. He knew he was on the prime path but due to his incredibly blurry eyes from his tears he couldn't see much.

He slowly lowered himself onto the floor and put his head in his knees, screaming into them.

He let himself cry and sob and scream and he didn't care if someone saw or judged because he was damaged and he was hurt and he at least deserved to be able to cry in peace.

"Sapnap?," A voice asked from above him. Sapnap tentatively looked up and watched as his fathers face turned from shock to hurt.

Sapnap had tears streaming down his bright red face and his eyes were puffy and red, he was gripped onto his sweater as if his life depended on it and his pointed ears were tilted down towards the ground, a sign he was distressed.

"Dada?," Sapnap mumbled and he lazily reached out towards him. Bad instantly understood the signs of his regression and he carefully lifted the boy into his arms.

"What's wrong pandas?," Bad asked softly as he carefully brang him into the house. Sapnap had, thankfully, sat right in front of Bad and Skeppys mansion.

"Fight," Sapnap mumbled sleepily and honestly that was all Bad needed to know. Sap was in terrible condition, he was scraped up and looked like he hadn't slept in days not to mention his puffy eyes.

"Nicky, do you wanna stay with dad for a bit?," Sapnap nodded against Bads shoulder and that was enough for him.

When the house was built bbh convinced Skeppy to build a room for Sapnap just in case, and thankfully he had won and the room was built.

Bads first stop was the kitchen, he wanted to make the boy a bottle or at least something to eat.

"You want a bottle, muffin?," Bad asked happily, this was his attempt to cheer Sap up. "Nuh-uh," Sapnap mumbled as he was placed onto the counter.

"What about some food? I can make mac n' cheese!," This was Sapnaps favorite food. " M' not hungy," Sapnap shook his head and instantly got distracted with a puppy outside.

"Honey, you've got to eat," Bad frowned and redirected Saps attention. "Don' wanna," Sapnap whined and looked down.

"Why not?," Bad pried and Sap just shrugged. "Jus' seepy, not hungy," Bad frowned but nodded.

"Alright, I'll still pour some juice into a bottle for you, kay?," Bad at least wanted the boy to be hydrated if not fed.

Sapnap nodded and started playing with Bads hoodie. Bad giggled and grabbed a sippy cup from the top shelf, Skeppy still didn't understand why Bad had them but he didn't question because he cared about his (platonic!) husband's privacy.

Bad poured some apple juice into the cup, Saps favorite, and screwed the lid on tightly. Sapnap was then lifted off the counter and brought to his bedroom.

Bad had hidden some things in the room for Sap just in case he stayed over. There was a box in the closet with a adult paci, a panda stuffie, and a onesie. (The onesie is one that covers his arms and legs, I dunno the name of them)

"Sap, do you wanna get changed? I can also clean your boo-boos if you want," Bad smiled gently at Sap as he nodded his head.

Bad got the box out the closet then left for a second to get the cleaning supplies for his scraped.

When he returned Sapnap was quietly crying, staring at the door. "What's wrong muffin?," Bad instantly rushed to his sons side.

"No leave da," Sap reached his arms out and allowed Bad to engulf him in a hug. "Oh Dadas not leaving pandas, I'm staying here with you no matter what," Bad held up his pinky and Sap wrapped his own pinky around it.

Bad wiped Sapnaps tears gently and pet his head, Sap leaning into the touch. "Alright bub, let's get these cleaned huh?," Bad had a wound cleaner that was painfree so Sapnap didn't have to feel more hurt.

Bad gently cleaned his scraped with a q-tip and the wound wash as Sapnap played with the stuffed panda.

"All done!," Bad had placed the last bandaid on his cheek and stood up. "Alright! Clothes time?," Sap nodded as he suddenly took notice of how uncomfortable his jeans felt.

"Age sappy?," Bad asked over his shoulder as he grabbed the onesie from the box. Sapnap held up one finger finger Bad cooed.

"Such a tiny boy!," Bad ticked Saps side a bit, making the little giggle happily. Bad helped Sapnap change into the onesie then he took his own hoodie off and put it on the younger as well.

Bad placed the pacifier, that he'd definitely decorate for Sap later, into Sapnaps mouth then sat next to him on the bed.

Bad opened his arms as a offering and Sapnap instantly fell into them, wrapping his arms around his fathers stomach.

Sapnap placed his head on Bads chest and began to purr when Bad started playing with his hair.

Bad looked at the younger and smiled at his sleeping son. Just then Skeppy walked into the room, taking his box off his head.

"Hey you weren't in-," Skeppy trailed off as he saw Sapnap laying with Bad. Skeppy nodded at Bad then climbed onto the bed and laid right next to Sapnap.

"What happened?," Skeppy mumbled to Bad. "Not sure, he mentioned a fight and he didn't want me to leave, I found him on the path crying while feeding the fish," Skeppy hummed and patted Sapnaps head softly.

"Why the bandages?," Skeppy asked again, just now taking notice of the colorful patches.

"He had scrapes, I'm assuming from the trees," Bad knew he had to ask Sap when he was big again what happened but for now he was satisfied with this.

"Ah," Was all Skeppy said and soon enough Bad could hear soft snores coming from him.

Bad was content with this, listening to his sons purrs and his husband's snores.

Bad closed his eyes and let sleep wash over him.

A/N: Yooo I speedran this! I actually really enjoyed this plot- Bad and Sap are a big comfort duo for me :]. Thanks for reading lovelys! -A<3

words: 1278

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