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(A/N: This is the shortest chapter I've written for this book but it's something. Wattpad wasn't working for me for a while and it just started to so I felt like I had to update so I just wrote this real quick and decided to finish it in the next chapter. Also I wrote this in like ten minutes so I'm sorry if it doesn't make much sense. Hope you guys like it anyways and have a good rest of your day/night. Thanks for reading.)

We ended up getting third place but that doesn't really bother me. I wasn't really interested in this thing. The best part was being able leave the class room.

Riley and I solved most of the word problems and Tyler was just there. He did try to apologize again to me and I told him it was okay because I was over it.

Tyler did help with one word problem. I never would of thought that Tyler was a fan of bands from the 80s. We would've never gotten it without him. Riley and I had no idea.

In the afternoon I headed to lunch with Katie like always. This time it was just me and her and not Andy, which made everything better.

"Hazel we should do something." Katie says

"Like what?" I ask her

She thinks for a moment before speaking again. "Like a sleep over."

"At your house?" I ask her

"No. We always go to my house, let's go to yours instead. I haven't been to your house in years. I can't believe I'm getting this old, can you believe that some day we'll have wrinkles?" Katie says touching her face with a look of horror.

I laugh. "Fine, we'll go to my house."

Katie squeals. "Yes! I already have things planned. Sleep overs on Friday are the best. I can't wait, see you after lunch Haz. Bye."

I wave. "Bye"

While Katie walks to my old table, I head to Miles's table. When he sees me he waves and scoots over showing my the seat that he saved for me.

"Thanks." I say after sitting down

"You can thank me by giving me one of the cookies Cole packed for you." Miles says

Without saying anything back I reach into my lunch box and take out a cookie to give to Miles.

"I wish Cole would pack my lunch too, but I'm not his favorite." Miles says before shoving the whole cookie in his mouth.

I face him. "I'm his favorite?" I ask

Miles, who had already finished his cookie and had started to devour his lunch looked up with his eyebrows frowned and his mouth full. "You didn't know?"

"No. How do you know I'm his favorite?" I ask him

"He's nice to you and he makes you a bunch of sweets. He doesn't do that for any of us. Plus he's always checking on you." Miles says

"I didn't know Cole was one to pick favorites." I say

"Everyone in this family has a favorite, even mom and dad." Miles says

"Who's their favorite then?" I challenge

He smiles smugly and shrugs. "Well me of course."

I roll my eyes making him laugh.

"I mean think about it. I am pretty awesome." He says

I shove him playfully. "In your mind."

"I'm so awesome that even me letting my little sister sit at my table can't lower my ego."

"Yeah, because your ego can't go any lower. And letting is a strong word, more like forced." I say

"It's not like you want to go back to your old table and sit between two weirdo's. In a way I'm helping you." Miles says

"I hate your help." I say

He ruffles my hair. "Sure you do."


Lunch wasn't that bad and after it I met up with Katie so we could walk to our next classes together.

In math we did a table partner activity meaning I worked with Sam. For once I think I actually had fun in that class instead of stressing over every single thing. I love math but most of the time it can be stressful and it doesn't help that it gets harder every year.

After that classes went by really fast and now I'm in Lane's car with my brothers and we're driving to my karate dojo.

"Lane, can we stop to get food?" Kade asks

"No, you're going to make me late." I say hitting him on the shoulder

He shrugs. "I don't care."

"We'll get food after we drop off Hazel." Lane says

"You always chose her over me." Kade says

Lane rolls his eyes. "Oh shut up"

"I will not shut up. It's not fair." Kade says

This time I roll my eyes. Those two act more like twins then Kade and Beck do. Even though Kade and Beck are twins, they have very little in common besides their temper. Beck has always been closer to Miles and Kade was always closer to Lane.

Even though they argue a lot, Kade is defiantly Lane's favorite sibling.

"I'm just not going talk to you any more." Lane says

"Now you think you're better than me?" Kade say offended

Lane sighs. "You're so stupid."

"I thought you said you weren't talking to me anymore." Kade says smugly

Lane doesn't answer him this time and just focuses on driving. I'm so glad that I'm leaving this car soon, I don't think I could ever spend more than an hour in a car with them without going insane from their bickering.

I ignore the rest of their conversation and watch Miles play candy crush on his phone. After some time Lane says my name.


I look up. "Yeah?"

"We're here, pay attention." He says pointing to the dojo

"Bye guys. See you later." I say picking up my karate bag

"Wait." Miles says

I turn around to face him. "Huh"

"You're not forgetting to tell us something again are you?" He asks

I think for a moment. "Oh, Katie's coming over for a sleep over today."


Again like last time I close the car door without giving them an explanation and walk to the dojo.

I'm never going to get tired of their reactions.

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