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We were more than half way into summer. It was time for our family vacation. We were going to meet mom and dad at the airport tonight.

All day we were packing. Except for Lane who's always prepared. The rest of my siblings and I always pack on the last day before the trip or sometimes even the same day like we're doing now.

I went to Kade's room to ask for my color pencils back and found Miles there too. It looked like they were in the middle of a verbal argument.

"Give me my air pods back!" Miles yells

"I'm not done borrowing them!" Kade yells back

"I don't care, you've had them for five weeks! I need them for the trip. I can't trust you with them, you'll lose them!" 

"How do you know I haven't already lost them?" 

There was a silent pause before Miles tackled Kade.

While they were fighting on the floor, I walked past them and grabbed my color pencils off Kade's desk and left quickly to finish packing. Martin or Cole will probably come in here soon to break them up. 

Our parents didn't tell us where we were going but they said it's a warm place so we didn't need any coats.

Last year we went to a cold place. We stayed in cabins and went skiing. Most of us had a lot of fun. I think even Beck was happy.

Since we're going somewhere warm I packed mostly shorts and T-shirts. I also packed two swim suits and sunscreen. I hope we will get to go swimming. I love swimming.

When I finished packing I went to check on my brothers. Beck had clothes thrown all over his room and he was running around.

"Do you need help?" I ask

"My suitcase zipper broke. I don't even know why." He says

"Probably because you are over-packed." I say

"Yeah, go figure." He snapped, "I need everything I packed."

I highly doubt that.

"Just use a different suitcase." I say

"I don't have another one." 

"I have another suitcase. You can use it." I offer

"I'm not going to the airport with a pink, girly suitcase." He scoffs

"I have a black one." I say

"Alright, go get it before I change my mind." He says

I roll my eyes, you would think he's the one doing me a favor. I got the suitcase from my closet and then gave it to him. I didn't even get a 'thank you'.

I went to Cole's room next. He was laying on his bed with his packed suitcase on the floor. 

"You all packed?" He asks

"Yeah." I say

He nods and then goes back to staring at his TV which is playing a cooking show. I went to Martin's room next but he was on the phone with someone so I just walked out.

Kade and Miles were somehow still fighting and no one was stopping them. I decided that I had found my entertainment and sat down on Kade's bed, making myself comfortable.

I mean, I would stop them if I could but I'd probably end up with a black eye or broken nose. When my brothers fight each other physically it usually gets stopped before it escalates too far. 

When it doesn't get stopped someone ends up with a concussion or a broken bone or a really bad cut. By the looks of this fight, that was bound to happen soon.

All over a pair of air pods. They fight over the dumbest things. I picked up one of Kade's pillows and threw it at them but it bounce right back and smacked me in the face. 

"Guys, stop fighting. You're going to get in trouble and you'll be grounded the whole trip." I say

They don't listen though of course. 

Because Kade's a football player he has a stronger build than Miles who doesn't really exercise unless you count skateboarding.

Kade had the upper hand and he was sure taking advantage of that. 

I could see that Kade nose was bleeding but he didn't seem to care. As he and Miles fought around the room, Kade kicked Miles in the face and his head slammed hard against the wall. 

Miles froze in shock before bringing his hands up to his head. Kade got off of him and looked concerned. I stopped chewing my nail and sat up.

"Are you okay?" I ask

Kade helped Miles up and groaned. "I want my air pods back."

Kade nodded like an understanding mother. "I'll find them some day."

I laughed and Miles pushed him slightly. 

"I'm going to finish..." He paused for a second like he forgot what he was going to say.

Kade and I turned to each other and raised our eyebrows before looking back at Miles and waiting for him to finish his sentence.

This isn't a good sign.

"I... uh- I'm going to do whatever I was doing before I came here." Miles says before turning around and walking away.

He was kinda walking in zig-zag lines.

"He's probably fine." Kade says

"Yeah." I say with a sigh, "Well finish packing. I'll come back later so we can watch a movie."

"Okay." Kade says, going back to deciding which pair of swim trunks he wanted to bring.

I went back to my room and face-timed Katie for a bit. When I went downstairs in the kitchen Cole told he was taking Miles to the hospital to get checked up because he thinks he has a concussion.

I saw Miles throw up which made me not so hungry anymore. 

Cole, who happens to have the strongest stomach, cleaned it up. It was so gross. Miles was so pale I thought he was going to pass out. I hope he's better by the time we leave tonight.

I went back to Kade's room to watch a movie but instead of  watching a movie we started watching the show H2O: Just Add Water. 

I picked it because I remembered watching it when I was nine. Kade didn't have a problem with my choice so I was pretty happy. 

Kade even taught me how to make popcorn the right way. This time around it wasn't burnt,but he ate most of it.

Everyone was done packing and doing their own thing until it was time to leave. We watched the show until Miles and Cole came back.

It was time for our road trip to begin.

(A/N: There won't be anymore updates for the rest of this month. I'll be back in February. It's almost time for this book to end and I need some time to think about how I want it to end. Sometimes I feel like I'm not able to write the chapter I want to because of the frequent updating schedule and I just make up stuff on the spot hoping it won't affect the story too much. I want to make the last chapters a little better to end this book off. Maybe I'll come up with something creative. Probably not 😅. But as always thank you all for reading and have a wonderful day/night.)

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