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Today's Friday. A.K.A the only day I wake myself up. Hopefully this day will pass by quickly. I can't wait for the weekend because for once I have plans. On Saturday I'm going to study again with Sam and on Sunday since Ed invited me I'm going to get to see my sensei in the hospital during lunch time. 

Next week is the last week of school. Mom and Dad said that we don't have to go on the last day, but I'm pretty sure all of my brothers are going. We always go on the last day of school. Most of the time it's fun.

I do my usual morning stuff before heading downstairs to join my brothers. Usually it's me or Kade who are the last ones downstairs. Only me sometimes because unlike my brothers I take time to get ready and don't just throw on what ever not-so wrinkled shirt and shorts I find on the floor of my bedroom. 

Cole hands me my plate, like normal and I go find a place to sit down. The only free spot is the one next to Martin, which isn't that bad because he doesn't talk to me that much in the mornings.

I sit next to him and he glances up to see who it is before looking back at his phone. I'm feeling happy today so I'm gonna mess with him. 

I peek over his shoulder to see who he's texting. He moves his phone away quickly and glares at me. I smile innocently and bat my eyelashes.

"What do you want." He says

"Who ya texting." I ask, amusement having a hard time hiding behind my voice.

"None of your business." He says not looking up

"Is it your girlfriend?" When I say that all of the boys ears perk up

"Why didn't you tell us that you have a girlfriend?" Cole asks while smirking

"Ooooooooo you have a girlfriend?" Kade teases

"When you gonna bring her home to the fam, dawg?" Miles says

Martin rolls his eyes. "I would never bring someone I like here, you guys would traumatize them for life, maybe even in the grave."

"So you do have a girlfriend?" Beck asks

"I never said yes."

"You didn't exactly say no either." I say

"I gonna be late." Martin says standing up

"No. You never leave this early." Cole says

"He's probably going to go meet his girlfriend." Lane says

"So you do have a girlfriend!" Beck yells

"I'm not talking to you guys anymore." Martin says

"Bye lover boy." Miles yells

Martin flips him off before closing the door and heading to his car.

"He defiantly has a girlfriend." Cole says

"Yeah, kinda obvious." Lane says

"Have you seen his room lately? It's clean now. Very tidy, and it smell wonderful in there." Cole says

"Really?" Beck asks

Cole nods. "I wonder who it is. He's never been like this with any other girl he's dated."

When he says that I suddenly remember the conversation me and Katie had last weekend about my brother and her sister.

Could Kalani be who he's dating?

"Okay now we all have to leave because if we don't we'll actually be late." Lane says taking up our plates.

We all grab our bags and head to the door. 

I look out the window while Lane drives to the school. The rest of my brother talking with each other.

The one time Lane drives fast also happens to be the one time I wouldn't mind being late to a place.


I walk to my first class of the morning after the bell rings. My reading teacher switched everyone's seat so I no longer sit in between Andy and Katie.

I sit in a corner by a girl named Riley. She joined our school around the last weeks of school and is still kind of new. She's very quiet but she looks like a nice person.

"Everyone get in your seat. We do this every morning, nothing has changed." Ms. Kingston yells over the loud chatter of the class

It takes a while, but eventually everyone is in their seat and Ms. Kingston starts telling us what we're doing today.

"Today is a partner activity." She says. The class starts cheering and looking around the class for which friend they're going to pick to be their partner.

"Nope. I'm picking the partners. There will be one group of three." The whole class groans.

"It'll must likely be you table partner." So people laugh at their friends knowing that they don't like the person sitting next to them, either because they're a social outcast or because they had so kind of drama with them.

I sit in the very back of the class in the right corner so I'll probably be with Riley. Ms. Kingston start at the front and points to two people telling them they're partners.

When she gets back here she finds the last two group and makes me, Riley, and Tyler the three group.

"Everyone sit in a a way where you can see your group." Ms. Kingston says

Since me and Riley already sit next to each other Tyler moved his chair to be across from us. When he sees me he gives me a small, shy wave and I glare at him. 

"Okay everyone I'm going to pass out a scavenger hunt. I'll be allowing you guys around the school, but if you misbehave you will get in trouble. Remember, I have eyes everywhere. The first group to finish will win twenty points extra credit." she says

"It's the end of the year. Who would want extra credit now?" A kid asks

"My high achievers, that who." Ms. Kingston says

As she passes out the papers she starts to tell us more about it. 

"You're guys are not aloud to go into the hallway without my permission. Before you go you have to show me that you and your partner or partners completed a task. Make sure to read the paper I give you. It has all the information you need but if you need help then you can ask me."

After she passes out the papers she goes back to her desk and sits down. "You may begin."

This is going to feel like the longest class today.

My Older BrothersTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang