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When I walk into the dojo everyone's already started. Once again I'm late because of Lane's slow driving. 

"You're late." John says while walking up to me

"Thanks for telling me." I say sarcastically.

"Anytime." He says back with a smirk

"Shut up John." I say

He put his right hand on his chin as if he's thinking about something. His smirk still plastered on his face.

"You know what I just realized?" He asks me

"I don't care." I say walking away from him

"I'll tell you anyways. Me and you go to the same school." He says

I look at him with fake shock. "Really!? I never noticed. It's not like we have two classes together."

He nods as if thinking about what I said. "Yeah. But what really confuses me is that almost everybody here goes to our school and we always make it here on time. How is it that you go to our school too, but you're always late?"

I glare at him. 

He shrugs innocently. "Just asking."

"Why don't you ask your-"

Before I finish what I was going to say Ed walks over. "Will you two stop arguing? You're distracting everyone. Hazel go get ready, the older students are meeting in a different room today. John will show you when you done."

"We're actually training today?" I ask

Ed shakes his head. "Not really."

"What about the other students? Who's going to teach them?" I ask

"My mom's here with yoga group." Ed says looking down

I laugh. "Why?"

"I don't know. She said she needed more students and my uncle allowed her to bring her group here to the dojo today." Ed says

John looks at him like he's crazy. "We're doing yoga!?"

Ed gives him an evil smile. "Yes."

"You should have told me before, I would've have come today." John groans

Ed laughs. "It won't be that bad."

"I'll go get dressed." I say heading to the locker room.

Ed's right, this can't be that bad. His mom's pretty cool too, she makes the best brownies. Well I don't know, Cole make amazing brownies too. I think they're tied.

After I get dressed I walk out of the locker room and over to John who looks absolutely miserable. He looks up and when he sees me he stands up straight.

"Took you long enough." He mumbles

I roll my eyes and follow him to a smaller room in the dojo where Ed and Mia already are. They're talking about something and don't realize that we've walked in until John sneezes loudly making all of us jump.

"You're so gross. That almost got on me." I say moving away from him. Ed and Mia laugh and come towards us. 

"Are you guys ready?" Mia asks excitedly

John frowns. "You actually want to do yoga?"

Mia nods. "It's a lot like karate in a way. I do yoga when I get home after training to make sure I'm not sore the rest of the day."

"And it works." I ask

"Yeah. Works wonders." Mia says

John scoffs at her and turns to walk to a different part of the room.

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