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"Oh yeah, that arm is for sure broken." The doctor said as he showed my parents the x-ray.

I didn't want to see it. I knew it was broken before we made it to the hospital. The part of my arm closest to my wrist was bent inward so much that we couldn't push it back in place, and my shoulder was completely out of the socket and was standing up.

Every time I looked at my arm I felt like throwing up or passing out. Out of all the times Beck could have hurt me he decided to do it only a few weeks from one of the most important days of my life—the Karate competition.

I sighed and looked around the room, avoiding everyone's eyes. I wanted to punch Beck, I was getting angry.

"Surgery is necessary to reconnect the bone. We can schedule it in two days'." The doctor said

My mom's eyes widened. "Two days? We don't live here, we're on our way back home. We can't stay here!"

The doctor looks at my parents and shrugs. "You'll have to find a place to stay. Your daughter needs this surgery if she hopes to heal her arm quickly."

My dad sighs and looks towards my mom to see what she wants to do.

"Well... I guess we can find a nice hotel to stay at for a little," she says after some thought.

My dad nods in agreement and walks out of the room. The doctor leaves a little later and tells us to call if we need anything.

"Sweetie, you'll be fine. I promise." My mom says as she kisses my forehead.

"Okay," I say, rubbing her lipstick off me.

"I'm going to figure out what we're going to eat tonight," Mom says

"Yes. Hurry." Kade says nodding his head.

"Something good, please. No vegetables." Miles adds

Now it's just me and my brothers in the room. It's quiet besides the sound of the machines and Kade scavenging through anything he can find.

"Look guys, I'm a doctor." Kade laughs. He's wearing blue surgical gloves and holding a doctor's tool in both his hands.

"Kade, stop. You're going to get us in trouble. Put those down." Cole says

Kade frowns and puts them down, taking off the gloves and throwing them in the trash. "you're no fun."

Miles sighs and sits down at the edge of my bed. I nudge him with my foot and turns to face me before starting to tickle my feet. I try to hold in my laugh and squirt away from him. He laughs and shakes his head.

"How did we end up here?" Miles says aloud to no one in particular.

"Hazel broke a bone, duh," Kade says, looking longingly at the doctor's tools. "I think I want to be a doctor when I grow up."

"I thought you wanted to be a vet?" Cole asks

"Yeah, but that was yesterday. Now I want to be a doctor." Kade says

Martin rolls his eyes. "I wanna go home."

"Then go. You have a driver's license right? No one's stopping you so just go." Beck says harshly 

He shouldn't have said that. He just brought attention to himself. What an idiot.

Martin turns to look at him. He raises an eyebrow and walks towards him slowly. His gaze turns into a glare.dc "Wait a minute, I just thought of something."

"W-what?" Beck says while slowly backing away from Martin.

"Nobody's asked how Hazel broke her arm."

Beck's eyes widen momentarily before going back to normal. "Yeah, that's weird isn't it."

"Do you know how she broke her arm Beck?" Cole asks as he takes the doctor tools out of Kade's hands.

Beck tries to act confused. "No, why would I know how she broke her arm?"

"Maybe because you were right next to her when it happened." Martin says

Everyone turns their full attention to Martin and Beck's conversation. Beck freezes, not knowing what to say.

"She- uh fell I think. I don't know I wasn't paying that much attention." Beck says

"How did she fall so bad in a parking lot to the point where she broke two different parts in her arm and needs surgery? What was she doing?" Martin interigates

"I don't know!" Beck says loudly

Martin turns to me and I quickly look down to avoid eye contact. 

"Hazel, how did you break your arm?" Martin asks

I bite my lip trying to think of what to say. I didn't want to lie. I wanted to tell the truth and for everything to be over with. I wanted to get back at Beck for making me break my arm. Who knows if I'll be able to compete now? I wanted to never talk to Beck again or atleast until he gave me a real apology.

But on the other hand, I wanted to forgive Beck and I hoped that if I covered for him then he wouldn't be so mean to me anymore. I wanted to down play what happened in the parking lot as a mistake. He was probably just hungry. In a way it's my fault too. If I had just given him something from my bag then he wouldn't have gotten so angry.

"I fell." I says finally, not looking up to meet Martin's eyes.

"Are you lying?" He asks

"I don't know." I say and then quickly say after. "I did fall."

"How did you fall? You couldn't have just slipped and broken your arm like that." Miles says

"Does it matter? Leave her alone. She fell. That's it." Beck says

He can see that if they keep asking me questions then I crack. I'm trying not to. I think through my answers to make sure I'm not saying too much before I say them. I'm not lying but I'm not telling the full truth.

"There's just no way this is true." Lane groans in frustration

Everyone seems to be getting fusrtaed. 
Miles, Martin, Lane and Cole look mad because they can't figure out what's going on. Beck looks mad because things don't seem to be going his way and Kade looks mad because Cole keeps taking the doctor tools from his hands.

"It is true." Beck says confidently.

"Is that all?" Cole asks, looking between me and Beck.

Suddently I feel sad and my eye star to water. I don't like lying to my brothers. 

"Well it was an accident, but it was all my fault." I say 

"We have a lot of time on our hands. Why don't you tell everything that happened."



(A/N: Thanks for reading. 3-4 chapters left. Hope everyone has an amazing day/night!)

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