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After karate practice I get into Cole's car and we drive off to the mall. It didn't take that long, we were there in twelve minutes.

Miles talked about how he was going to get the new skate board he had been saving up for. He's been mowing lawns and he even got a part time job which Mom is making him keep even though he has enough money to buy his skate board. She said it's a great learning experience for quote, "the real world".

Miles's wanted a new skate board for the summer because most of his are getting old or are split in half from him and Beck's arguments. He showed me a picture and the one he wants and it looks really cool, hopefully it's not sold out.

I'm not sure what I'm going to get for Katie. I think I'll just have to look around but I know what she likes so once I see the right thing I'll pick it up. Once we get out of the car and walk into the mall Cole tells Miles that we'll meet up at the ice cream shop after we're all done.

Cole grabs my hand and Miles heads to get his skate board.

"Cole, you know I'm not five anymore right?" I ask as I look up at him

He chuckles. "This isn't a small place Hazel, knowing you you could get lost anywhere. Remember when you got lost when we first moved into our house?"

"That was different! I was three and I hadn't been there before." I defend myself

He laughs again and ruffles my hair. 

"Where are we going?" I ask

Cole shrugs. "I don't know what you want to get your friend for her birthday."

"I don't know either." I mumble

"What does she like?" Cole asks

"Candy." I say

"Why don't you just get her the candy that she likes?"

"That's not good enough. I get her candy everyday, it has to be special." I whine

Cole sighs. "Then we'll just go about till you find something you think is better than candy."

After thirty minutes of looking around Cole brings me into a book store. I don't know why we're wasting our time here. Katie never reads, in fact the one time she read was when she got really into that one Little House on the Prairie book for a project.

She actually really enjoyed it and talked about for a year straight. I never read it before but from what she says it's pretty interesting.

She wanted to read another one of them called Farmer Boy but she couldn't find it at the school or public library. That's the last book she's ever read. When we're assigned to read a book for homework she just listens to the audio book, it must work fine because she always gets an A on the test.

When I was thinking about this an idea popped into my head. I'm pretty sure if I could find The Little House on the Prairie books than it would make a good present. Maybe she'd get into reading again if I find the Farmer Boy one.

I shake Cole's hand to get his attention. He puts a cooking book back on the shelf before turning to me.

"Do you need something?" He asks

"Yes, you've been here before right?" I ask

"Of course. Where do you think I get all my cooking books?"

"Whatever Cole, I don't care. Do you know if this place has The Little House on the Prairie books?" I ask

"Maybe they have some over there." He says as he points across from where we're standing to you guessed it, more books.

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