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We pull into the parking lot of Martin's college and wait. Martin's a great soccer player and he got many scholarship offers from different colleges but mom made him take the closest one. She didn't want him to go too far.

I look down and start playing with my hands. The last thing I wanna do is make eye contact with Martin. He'll take it as a challenge. I lean against the door and almost fall out when someone opens it.

I hear Cole and Martin laugh. I glare at Martin who smiles innocently. He motions his head to the side. "Get out."

I shake my head no. "I got here first." I tell him

"Cole, undo her seatbelt" Martin says. Before I can block his hand he reaches down and clicks the button. I groan as Martin throws my stuff to the back of the car and throws me over his shoulder.

My face turn slightly red as I see other college members laughing and staring. Martin opens the back door and throws me inside. Then he closes it and gets in the front. Jerk

Cole drives off to the grocery store and we sit in silence. Well at least I do. Cole and Martin talk the whole way there. They act like I'm not even here. I bet I could jump out of the car and they wouldn't notice until they reached home.

 I start kicking the back of Martin's seat to occupy myself. He eventually gets angry and throws his soccer bag at me. I don't stop though, I kick it harder.

"Stop that." Martin says turning around to glare at me

"I'm not doing anything." I say

"Yes you are." He says reaching back to grab my hair

I  moved back and yelled. "Cole help! He's trying to kill me for existing."

"Both of you stop. This is my car and if either of you mess up anything I kill you both." Cole says sternly

Martin rolls his eyes but turns around. I kick his seat one more time for good measure and he shoots up. His hand reaching for my neck this time. "Cole I'll buy you a new car, just let me kill her!"

"NO. We're at the grocery store anyways." Cole says

Martin looks away giving me a chance to bite his hand. He curses in pain and pulls his hand back. 

Once Martin finishes his temper tantrum we get out of the car. Cole stands in the middle of us. As soon as we enter Martin goes the other way. Cole grabs a cart and I follow behind him.

"Can I get something?" I ask him

He glances back at me. "What is it?"

I shrug . "I don't know yet."

He chuckles. "Well I have to see it before you put it in the cart."

As I follow him I look for something I might want. We reach the dairy section. Cole starts explaining to me the different types of butter bands and the pros and cons of them. I tune out after his first five sentences.

I should've just walked home. 

I walk away and head to a different part of the store. When I see water bottles I stop. I would love a new water bottle. I look at all the different ones and decide to go for a baby blue one. I pick it up and walk back to where Cole was.

I poke Cole with my finger to get his attention and I hold the water bottle close to his face. He pushes it back slightly to get a better look at it.

He raises an eyebrow. "A water bottle?" 

I nod.

"But you have like twelve of them at home." He says

"We have butter at home too." I say

"It's the wrong butter. It's a different one." Cole complains

"This is a different water bottle. I don't have one like this at home." I say

He sighs and grabs it from me putting it in the cart. I smile in triumph.

"Are we leaving now?" I ask Cole

"I just have to get a few more things" He says


We end up shopping for two more hours. A few things turned to a hundred. By the end of it my feet and legs hurt. 

We're at the check out center now. I stand there and watch Cole put the things he brought into the bags. I help him carry the bags to the car where Martin is already waiting for us.

We put them in the trunk and then drove home. When we get home Martin and Cole take out the groceries and I head to my room.

When I open my door I see Kade, Beck, Lane, and Miles in my room. Kade is sleeping as usual, Beck is tuning his guitar, Lane is on my computer, and Miles is staring into space.

"Why are you guys in my room?"  I ask

They all look up and stare at me.

"Why are you on my computer? Give back." I walk over to Lane who stands up, holding my computer too high for me to reach.

"Give it!" I say jumping to try and reach it. He lucky I don't want to hurt him.

"No." He says holding it up higher.

"Why are you guys here?" I ask again

Miles stands up and walks towards me. He held up his hand that got hit with the frisbee. It was red with a little bit of black and dark blue.

"I'm here because I want a proper apology." He says

"I didn't do that." I say

"Doesn't matter. I want you to apologize." He says

"No." I say pushing past him

"Why are you here?" I ask Beck

He sighs. "I wanted to apologize for not giving you the swing. I don't even like swings but Vicky wanted us to go on them and I wanted her to be happy. I'll give it to you next time. I promise."

"It was no big deal." I shrug

Since Kade is asleep I go back to Lane. "Why are you here?"

"My computer wasn't working so I came to use yours. I'll log out and give it back to you, but I will be back to use it again and there's nothing you can do about it." Lane says

"Put it on my desk when you're done. Next time ask me." I don't use my computer much so it didn't really bother me

I go to Kade and slap him hard on the head. "Kade, wake up." I say. I try everything from sitting on him to shaking him back and forth but he still doesn't wake up. I turn to Beck. "Can you please get him outta here?"

Beck picks up his twin and walks out of the room followed by Lane. I look at Miles who sits on my chair.

"I'm not leaving until I get an apology." He says firmly

"Then you can sit there forever." I say back. I sit on my bed and grab my phone.

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