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As soon as Lane turns off his car all of us jump out and start running to the entrance of the arcade, ignoring Lane who's yelling at us to stop running.

Miles makes it to the entrance first and holds the door open for all of us. The place has lights everywhere, changing colors every second. Weird rock music is playing and there are a bunch of other kids with handfuls of tickets.

"Lane, give me your money." Miles says holding out his hand to Lane

Lane pushes him away and tells us all to come here. He brings us into a mini circle and starts talking.

"This place is big and it's our first time here so look out for each other. I won't be able to see all of you at the same time." Lane says

"Can we have the money now?" Miles asks

Lane takes out his wallet and gives us ten dollars each. Beck looks down at the money and scrunches his nose.

"That's it?" he asks

Lane rolls his eyes. "If you need more just come to me and I'll give you more. You're starting off with ten."

"These machines only take quarters." Kade says

"There's a machine in the corner that can change your money into quarters." Lane says pointing to his right

"But there's a long line over there." Miles whines

"Not my problem. I'm just the guy who gives out ten dollar bills." Lane says

We all groan and walk over there. We had to stand in the line for eight minutes and watch other people enjoy playing all the cool games.

There's a hurricane simulator which costs four quarters to get in. Miles said that when he gets his quarters that's the first thing he's going to do.

This arcade has way more things then other ones I've been to.
It has an outdoor part where you can play a bunch of different games and inside instead of just video games, this place also has a trampoline spot where you can play dodgeball.

I love the classic games here and I'll probably play them after I go on the car racing games, those are my favorite.

Kade is the first one to get his coins and right after he does he sprints out of sight.

Beck gets his next and does the same as his twin. How rude, they didn't even wait for us or say bye.

Miles lets me go before him and I wait for him to get his.

"Do you want to go in the hurricane simulator with me?" Miles asks me

"No, thank you." I say
"Alright. See you later." I wave and Miles leaves.

I play on the car games for a bit before deciding that I want to earn tickets for a prize. After the first ticket winning game, I have no money left.

I walk over to where I see Lane standing and I hold my hands out.

"More money please." I say

Lane laughs. "What are you? Tricker treating."

"Lane, I want more money." I say

"What's the magic word?"

"Pretty please?" I ask

Lane hands me ten more dollars and I run to the machine to turn it into quarters again before going back to the games.

After going to Lane for money seventh time he finally gets tired of me.


"But you promised." I whine

My Older BrothersWhere stories live. Discover now