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"Dinner's ready!" Cole yells from down stairs

"Come on." Lane says getting up

I hand him back his crossword book and he puts it back in his desk. I think I'm kind of good at these. I should buy one.

Together, me and Lane walk down to the dinning room. We're the first ones there. We wait till Cole is done placing the food on the table to sit. We sit in our seats and the others come soon after

I sit in between Martin and Kade. It's probably the worst spot at the table, but I didn't get to pick. Once we're all seated we start eating.

"Mom and dad are working late. That's why they're not here." Cole says

"When are they ever here" Beck mumbles

We ignore his comment and continue eating. I don't usually finish my food and the two idiots beside me know that, so every once in a while Martin and Kade take things off my plate. It's quite annoying when you're trying to eat so when I see Kade's hand reaching for my plate I smack it.

"Hey, that's not nice." He pouts

"Stop trying to eat my food. You haven't even finished yours yet." I say

"It's a work in progress" He says

"Let her eat her food Kade." Cole says

"It's not like she's gonna finish it." Kade mumbles

While no one's looking and I'm slightly distracted Martin steals something off my plate. I look up and glare at him to which he winks.

"Did you see that?!" Kade yells causing everyone but Martin to jump

"Stop yelling" Lane winces

"There's been a situation!" Kade yells again

"Situation?" Miles asks

"Yes. How come Martin can take food off of Hazel's plate but I can't?" He complains

"When did he take food off of her plate." Cole asks

"Just now! How did you guys not see that?" Kade says

"Hazel, did Martin take food off of your plate?" Cole asks. Everyone looks at me waiting for an answer. Martin kicks my leg slightly as a warning to give to 'right answer'.

"I gave it to him because I didn't want it." I say calmly

From the other side of me Kade goes nuts.

"You guys stupid if you believe that crap!"

"Kade chill, it's just food." Beck says

"THIS IS BULL-" Before he can finish I stuff a piece of garlic bread in his mouth.

He takes a bite of it and then looks at me completely calm and happy. 

"Thanks Hazel for being the best sister ever." He says. I shrug my shoulders.

"No big deal." I say. It actually was a big deal. That was the only thing I was planning on fully eating.

Everyone goes back to eating. Suddenly a piece of garlic bred was slid to me. I look at Martin and he gives me a small smile.

"So what did everyone do today?" Cole asks to start conversation again

"I watched TV" Lane says

"I stole Miles's favorite skate board" Beck says

"I got my favorite skate board back" Miles says

"I went to karate training." I say

"I went to soccer practice." Martin says

"I cooked." Cole says. He out of all of us was the only one to sound excited about what we did today.

We all look at Kade and wait for his answer. He looks up from his food and shrugs.

"I slept." 

We roll our eyes. Since we don't really hang out together there's not much to talk about because we had nothing in common. 

"Do you guys want to watch a movie after dinner?" Cole offers

"As long as Martin and you don't pick what we're watching." Beck says and the rest of us nod in agreement.

"Why can't I pick?" Martin asks

"Because you only pick movies with love scenes." Lane says

"Those are the best ones." Martin says  

"Not to us younger people. It's like watching porn for an hour." Miles says

"I get why Martin can't pick, but why can't I pick?" Cole asks

"Because you pick baking shows" I say


"So no one wants to watch British people talk about food that we can't eat." Kade says

Cole scoffs. "You guys just don't understand true art."

"Can we watch a kid movie?" Miles asks hesitantly

"Why?" Martin snorts

"They're the best ones." Miles mumbles looking down at his plate

"Yes. We should watch a family friendly kid movie." Lane says nodding

"I agree." I add

"Yeah, it doesn't sound that bad." Beck says

"Fine we'll watch a little kid movie" Martin mocks

After we clean up from dinner we head to the living room to get the movie started. Since it was Miles idea to watch a kid movie he got to pick. He picked the Bad Guys movie. None of us had watched it before.

We all found places to sit or lay down in the living room. I sat on the left corner end of the couch and Lane sat next to me. Beside Lane was Beck and Miles. 

On the floor below us Kade was spread out and laying down. Martin took a one person chair. Cole came back with blankets for everyone then he sat on the floor and leaned against Martin's chair. We all got comfy and focused on the TV.

In the middle of the movie, Cole went to make popcorn because Kade requested it. He came back with a bunch of popcorn and we managed to finish all of it, even though we just had dinner.

It was 10:39pm when the movie did finish I was barely awake. I made myself stay up until the movie ended. It was a really good movie. My brothers decided to watch another movie so we put on another one. This time Beck picked the movie. I was too sleepy to care about watching the movie.

I leaned on Lane's shoulder. My eyes started to feel really heavy. Soon enough my eyes were closed but I was still awake. I pulled the blanket that me and Lane were sharing closer to keep me warm. Lane put his arm around me and pulled me closer.

"You can go to sleep if you want to." He whispered. I nodded my head half awake. It didn't even take five more minutes for me to fall asleep. 

My Older BrothersМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя