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As we drive to the hospital, Cole fills us in on what's happened so far. He tells us that Martin and him are in the waiting room and mom and dad are on a plane here. 

Apparently, Hazel's appendix burst which caused her to experience a lot of pain. I swear she was fine when I talked to her last night, maybe I just didn't notice something was wrong... or care.

I don't know why everyone's making such a big deal about it, Cole said that she was going to be fine. Why are mom and dad flying back? They didn't fly back that one time when I broke my arm or when Kade got a concussion after his football practice.

They only care about her, everyone does and I don't understand why. She's nothing special and the only thing she's good at is telling on people and karate. To be honest I'm surprised she hasn't told anyone about my tattoo yet. Maybe she has and no one's confronted me yet because of all that's going on.

Vicky and I went out last night and it was really fun. She still hasn't agreed to be my girlfriend but I think she's just playing hard to get. We have a lot in common so we would be a great couple.  Plus, I'm pretty good looking.

While Cole is explaining over the phone what happened I barely listen, I have better things to think about. Everyone else in the car is basically hysterical. Miles is freaking out while Kade and Lane blast Cole with questions that he probably can't answer because he's not the surgeon.

When we do reach the hospital we join Cole in Martin in the waiting room. Cole looks almost as freaked out as the others except for the fact that he can actually sit still in his chair.

Martin however, looks completely calm. He sits there quietly and staring at the ground. To most people it would look like he's not stressed out. But if you look closely to his right leg you'll see it bouncing slightly.

When we all quiet down and get settled Martin finally looks up from the ground.

"Lane, why didn't you answer the text I sent you?" He asks, looking at Lane with a tired and bored face.

"Ask that idiot." Lane says, turning his head to glare at Kade

Kade scoffs. "It was your fault, not mine."

"No." Lane says, raising his voice from it's previous whisper

"What happened?" Cole asks

"Kade slammed Lane's phone on the floor." Miles says, cracking a small smile.

"Why did you do that?" Cole asks Kade

"Because his phone was shaking in my hand." Kade defends himself

"What do you mean?" Lane asks suspiciously

"It was like moving and it made a weird noise, like a flying bug." Kade says

Everyone thinks about it for a second. What in the world could he be talking about?

Then it clicked. I leaned back in my chair and laughed, shaking my head. Miles and Cole put their head in their hands and Martin smirked.

Lane turned to Kade with a dumbfounded look. "Are you that stupid?"

Kade looks at all of us. "What?" he says completely clueless. "What did I miss."

"My phone was on vibrate." Lane says, "Someone called me and my phone vibrated."

Kade's eyes widened and he put his hand in his hair. "Oh my gosh."

This makes me laugh harder and soon Martin joins me. Lane is staring at Kade without saying anything and Kade is staring back, scratching the back of his head with a sheepish smile.

"Kade, c'mon." Martin says while chuckling.

"I thought your phone was going to explode man. My bad, I'm actually sorry." Kade says while laughing himself.

Lane rolls his eyes and smacks Kade in the head. "You're buying me a new phone, with your personal money."

"Okay." Kade mumbles

Our laughter dies down and once again we're sitting together in silence. As we wait for news on Hazel, Martin goes to the cafeteria to get us all something. He comes back with juice boxes and granola bars. We should have eaten dinner before coming here.

When the clock turns the hour hand to eight most of my brothers are asleep and I'm getting tired of waiting. My phone is running out of battery and I don't have a charger. We could've just stayed home and came when Hazel was out of surgery.

I can't believe I'm wasting my life sitting here. This is stupid. I turn to Martin and whine. "Can we go now?"

He rolls his eyes at me. "No, we have to wait."

I roll my eyes. "I'm so bored." I say

He shrugs. "Play on your phone."

"I would but it's-" I'm interrupted by my phone making a noise

Martin stops talking to me and turns away while I pick up my phone. It's a text message from Vicky. I click on it immediately and begin reading it.

Vicky❤:  Let's meet up in the alley next to the park, unless you're too busy for me

I'm not busy at all and if I was I'd drop whatever I was doing to see her. The more time I spend with Vicky the more chance of her excepting to be my girlfriend.

I put my phone in my pocket and slowly take Kade's head off my shoulders which doesn't wake him since he's a heavy sleeper. I stand up and stretch.

Martin looks up at me and frowns. "Where are you going?" He asks

If I tell Martin I'm going to see Vicky he won't let me. "I'm going to the... bathroom."

He nods and drops the questioning stare. "Alright."

"Okay." I say trying not to sound suspicious. I walk quickly in the direction of the bathroom. When I'm sure Martin is not looking, I step quietly to the exit and walk out of the hospital. It's gotten more chilly since it's night so I zip up my jacket.

I pull out my phone once again and go to me and Vicky's text messages.

Me: On my way

My Older BrothersOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara