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"MOM, there's a monster with terribly cut hair in Hazels bed!" Is the first thing I woke up to.

I turned over to see Kade pointing at me and looking towards the door, waiting for mom to come in. I touched my hair and groaned, I guess it wasn't a dream.

Kade looked at me when I made noise and stood there shocked. "Your hair looks different."

I got up and punched him in the shoulder before walking out of my room.

"Hey! That kinda hurt." Kade says as rubs the spot where I punched. He's such a baby.

When I get to the kitchen sure enough, my mom is with Cole cooking breakfast. Mom turns to me and jumps before quickly running over and cupping my face.

"Hazel sweetie, you look awful! What happened to your hair?" She asks

I look away when my eyes start to water and I push her hands off me. I cross my arms with a small pout on my face. Cole comes over and looks like he's about to scold me but when he sees my upset face he stops himself.

"Hazel, are you okay?" He asks gently

I don't look at him, I look at anything else but my mom and brother. Cole takes his fingers and turns my head towards him.

"What's wrong?" He asks

I look at him for a little before I start sobbing. I cover my face with my hands and my crying gets louder. I don't want to cry but I can't help it. I wipe the tears away but more keep coming.

"Oh sweetie-" Mom starts but she stops when someone walks up from behind me

"Why is she crying." I hear Martin say from behind me

I walk around him and back to my room barely being able to see through the tears. I don't want Martin or Beck to see me cry, they'll make fun of me and call me names. They did that a lot when I was little.

Kade's no longer in my room so I slam the door and get back in bed. I shove my face into a pillow and hug it trying to muffle the sobs.

After a while I calm down and my crying turns into sniffles every once in a while. I sit up and stare out my window, my eyes feel very dry and I have a headache.

I hear voices outside of my door.

"Should we go in?"

"You go in, you're her favorite."

"What happened to her hair?"

"Why is she being such a baby?"

"Can we eat now?"

"Mom, why wasn't dad with you?"

"You guys better go talk to your sister."

It goes quiet for a little before I hear feet shuffling and then my door opens. I don't look over because I know it's one of my brothers or my mom.

A hand goes on my back and someone sits down next to me. I glance over and see Kade. He plants a soft kiss on my cheek and rubs my back.

"You know," Kade leans in as he whispers. "When I'm upset, I just eat."

I look at him and he smiles gently and nods. "It works, I'm serious."

I blink at him and he sighs. "You don't want to talk do you?"

I shake my head.

"That's okay. I can do all the talking for both of us." he says

He opens his arms. "You want a hug from the best brother in the world?"

My Older BrothersTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang