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Once Lane parks, we get out of the car and walk to the school building. There are kids like us who arrive early at school and wait for the doors to open. At this time people usually socialize with their friends or just hang out while waiting for the bell to ring.

We each go our separate ways either to join our friend group or to get away from another. Lane walks to his nerd friends, Miles walks to his skateboard friends, Beck walks to his friends, and Kade walks to his girlfriend, Emily.

Emily's a nice person. She's the complete opposite of Kade. While Kade is sleepy, slow, and messy, she is energetic, smart, and very clean. I don't know how she even likes my brother. She has light, long blonde hair and light brown eyes. She helps me with my homework sometimes. They've been together for two years.

I walk to a bench and sit on it. None of my friends are here yet so I decided to play a game on my phone.

"Hey Hazel" I hear someone say

I look up and see Sam. I smile and give a little wave. "Hi Sam"

Sam is a kid in most of my classes. He's really nice to me but we're not friends. I think he wants to be tho, he talks to me a lot.

"Can I sit here?" He asks me

I nod. "Sure"

He puts his bag down and sits next to me. I go back to my game and ignore him until he speaks.

"Did you know that we have a math test today?" He asks me

I look up shocked. "It's Monday"

He laughs. "Yeah, but Mr. Wallace doesn't care about that."

"But it's like ten days before our big test for the end of school." I say

"That's why he's doing it. He wants us to see what it's like to take the test. He's gonna grade us on it too."

"I didn't study" I say freaking out

He gives me a smile. "You don't have to, you're very smart. Just think of it as a review."

"Advanced math is so difficult." I grumble

Sam smirks. "That's the best part about it."

"To you." I say

He looks at me for a second before saying something again. "Would you like to study with me this afternoon?"

"I have karate this afternoon right after school for four hours. I'm sorry." I say to him. I would've loved to study with Sam. He's a top student in our class and it would've helped a lot, especially with the final coming up.

"We could study around seven, I don't mind." He says

"You really want to help me?" I ask him


"Well sure, you can come over around seven and we can study." I say with a big smile. I've never had a study buddy. Katie always says studying is for losers.

"Sounds like a plan." He says smiling

Before either of us can say anything else the bell rings and kids start heading inside. We grab our stuff and head inside the school.


"Everyone take your seats. Class is staring. We are no longer talking to our friends" My reading teacher says

We all sit at our spots and the teacher starts to tell us what we're doing today. I sat in between Katie and a boy named Andy. 

They both like each other but are not dating. This is their only class together so they take the opportunity to pass notes back and forth and I have to be stuck in the middle of it.

I sigh. This going to be a long morning.

As always.


Morning classes moved by like a snail, but I made it through, thankfully. It's lunch time now and I'm walking to the lunch room with Katie.

"Hazel, Andy's coming to our table today." Katie says

"Why?" I ask. I don't really like Andy but I don't want to tell Katie that because she does.  

"Why not? Andy's cool." She says. Then she turns her head to look at me with a strange face. "Do you not like him?" 

"Uh... why would you think that? I was just wondering because I thought he had his own table with his own friends, that's all" I say

"Oh yeah. His friends are coming too." Katie says

My fake smile falls. Oh no, that's not happening. His friends are gross and they smell horrible. They're the dumb trouble makers.

Katie walks to our table with me slowly following behind. She doesn't seem to notice my change in attitude, which is good for me because I don't feel like acting pleased right now.

Andy and his friends are already there and Andy's sitting in my spot. Katie takes her spot next to Andy and I have to sit in between two of Andy's friends. Great.

"Hey Andy" Katie says as she sits down

He nods at her. "Sup"

They start talking and I open my lunch box, which was very hard to do because I was squished between two dufuses.

"Dude" One of Andy's friends who is sitting at me right says. His name is Aiden.

"Yeah." The other person on my left says, Tyler. He leans over me like I'm not there, squishing me into Aiden

"I just had the best idea ever." Aiden says

I roll my eyes.

"Well say it." Tyler says. I plug my nose so I don't have to smell his horrible breath

"What if we mix chocolate milk, orange juice, and apple sauce and make Rylan chug it." Aiden says

Oh god no.

"Dude, that's gonna be so sick. I bet he won't do it tho." Tyler says

"He will if I pay him ten dollars." Aiden says pulling out a ten dollar bill.

"Where'd you get that from?" Tyler says like he's never seen a ten dollar bill before

"I took it from my brother." Aiden laughs. They do a 'bro shake' hitting me in the face several times.

"Let's do it bro." Tyler says

I look at Katie for help, but she's too busy talking to Andy. I move back as far as I can to make sure nothing spills on me. They mix all the things together messily and over fill the container they're using.

"Let's go give it to him." Tyler says picking it up

As he's walking past me he trips on nothing sending the mixture flying on to me.

I look down at my shirt in horror. Everyone at the table looks at me in shock. I look up at the roof, trying not to cry or overreact.

"Sorry bro." Tyler says hesitantly. I look at him with a blank face.

"If you want, you can have the ten dollars." Aiden offers holding it close to my face.

I snatch it from him, put it in my lunch box, pack up my lunch box, and stand up and walk out the lunch room doors.

I hate Andy and his stupid friends.

(A/N: I decided to put the rest of this in the next chapter. Hopefully I'll update tomorrow.)

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