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After lots of complaining mom and dad were finally able to get us all in the car. There was one car and it wasn't big so we all had to squish together. We were basically on top of each other.

"Listen, we promise it won't be that bad. It's been a while since you've seen your cousins." Mom says

"We could have kept it that way." Beck says

"We're not just going to spend our whole vacation at the farm. For our last two days here all of us, including your cousins, are going to the big water park in the city next to us." Dad says

Our heads shoot up. Water park?

  "Really?" Miles asks
"Yep. But only if you guys behave." Mom says

We all mumble.
"I mean it. I want everyone on their best behavior." Mom says

"It feels like we're on a school field trip." Lane says, rolling his eyes

After thirty minutes we finally reach the farm.

Dad parks on this rocky spot and we all get out.

"Yo, dad. Where's the farm?" Kade says, looking around.

Where is the farm? All I see is a blank area with a bunch of grass.

"We're on the farm but the farm house and barn are all the way down there. We have to walk."

"All the way to that hill?" Cole asks
"Yes Cole." Mom says

Beck smacks Kade and Miles on the chest before yelling. "Race ya."

As they run off the rest of us walk to the farm.

"My legs hurt." Cole sighs
"You've taken like four steps come on." Martin says

Cole sighs again and puts an arm around Martin's shoulders. "Carry me."

"Don't touch me." Martin says, pushing Cole so hard that he fell face first on the grass.

Lane who somehow doesn't see Cole fall in front of him trips over Cole's body and lands on top of him.

"You guys are so stupid sometimes." I mumble, walking around them.

When we get there, Beck, Kade, and Miles are already there waiting for us on the porch with lemonade in their hands.

I see some of our cousins sitting on the rocking chairs, Mollie, Kit, and Collin.
They wave when we come into view.

Maybe this won't be that bad. I mean we've all grown up for the most part so maybe they're not annoying anymore.

When I see the way Mollie's smiling at me I slow down and hide behind Martin, grabbing onto the back of his shirt.

He doesn't seem to mind and keeps walking. I'm glad he didn't push me like he did Cole.

I forgot that their house was three stories tall. I don't think many farm houses are. Besides the chipped paint the house looks like it's in pretty good shape.

"AWW, MY BABY BROTHER AND HIS FAMILY. I HAVEN'T SEEN YOU GUYS IN FOREVER!" I stick my head out from behind Martin's back and see my aunt running at us.

I thought she was too old to run. My Uncle stays back on the porch studying all of us. He's not the friendliest person in the world.

My aunt is really tall. She stands at six foot three which is an inch shorter than my dad. She's a giant. My whole family is kind of tall. 

I hope I get taller when I become a grown up. My mom told me that some girls stop getting taller when they're my age.

I hope that doesn't happen to me. I have to catch up with Martin.

My aunt comes around hugging everyone. She pulls Martin away from me and hugs him, patting him on the back.

Before I could find a new body guard I was grabbed by my aunt and swung in the air.

"Hazel is that you!" My aunt screamed in my ear

She hugged me way too tight before patting me hard on the back and setting me down. I looked at her surprised.

"Hazel say hi." My mom says pushing me back close to my aunt.

"Hi." I say quickly before moving away only to bump into Mollie. How did she get over here so fast? Just like her mom she comes way too close for comfort and squeezes the life out of me. 

"Hazel, it's been so long! You're all grown up now." She exclaims

Martin scoffs, "She 13."

She grabs me hand. "We have so much to talk about. Come on." I get pulled away and she basically drags me to this other part on the farm next to a tree. I can still see the others but I can't hear them. We had to climb over a small fence to get to the tree. In the fence there are baby sheep walking all over the place. It smells like poop. 

"Come climb up here." Mollie says after reaching the top of the tree.

She's 16 and has really long legs so it was easy for her, it doesn't take me much longer to climb up. I find a branch and copy her sitting position so I can stay up.

The wind is blowing my hair like crazy in all different directions. It's a very nice breeze. 

Mollie's hair doesn't move much since it's short, her dark brown hair is a little below her ears. She looks down at the animals and smiles before putting her hands in her lap and looking at me.

"So, how have you been?" Sh=e asks first

I smile and nod. "Good."

"That's great! I've been good too. I'm so happy you're here now I have someone to talk to." She says

"What about your mom and dad or Collin and Kit?" I ask 

She shakes her head. "No, my brothers don't like girl talk and if I even mention a boy to my parents they'll go crazy."

I raise an eyebrow. "A boy?"

She blushes.  "Yeah."

"Who is it?" I ask

"You wouldn't know him. He goes to my school and he's really smart and cool. We've been talking and if I haven't been reading the signs wrong then I think he might like me like I like him." She says

"Do you have a picture of him?"

She grabs her outdated phone and after searching for a bit she hands it to me. I look at the picture. He's definitely not someone I'd go for but he looks nice. I can definitely see him and Mollie as a couple. She starts telling me all about him like how he's on her school track team and their first interaction.

"Do you have anyone you like? Are you dating anyone?" She asks suddenly

"Uh... no." I say slowly

I don't know why I hesitated. For some strange reason Oliver came to my mind. I think Katie's words have been getting to me.

"Are you sure about that?" She teases after hearing my hesitation.

I nod but don't say anything. I never wanted to admit it to myself but I think I did like Sam as more than a friend but he's with Riley now. Oliver's my friend, he just so nice, and sweet, and kind, and funny, and...

"Hazel." My cousin says loudly.

"Hm?" I hum snapping out of my thoughts

"They're calling us, we have to go back." She says jumping down from the tree. I climb down and follow her. 

"Hazel, can you please not tell anyone what I told you. Not even your brothers okay?" I look up at Mollie and nod.

"Don't worry I won't." I say

"Good, cause I thought I was gonna have to blackmail you with your crush. I know your brothers would go crazy." She laughs

"My crush? I told you I didn't like anyone." I say, frowning

She looks at me knowingly. "You're not the best liar when it comes to your feelings."

I feel my face get warm and I quickly look down at the grass. I don't think I like anyone, so why am I blushing?

My Older BrothersWhere stories live. Discover now