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I rode my bike and then leaned it against the outside brick wall of the cafe around noon. I was meeting Sam there again, mostly because I wanted to get another Frappuccino. I walked inside and saw Sam sitting at the same table we were at last time.

He's always here before me. This is going to be the last time we study together this year before the test. If he wants to study with me next year then I'll make sure to be there way earlier than him.

I sit in my same spot and offer him a wave which he returns with a smile. I started to notice how wonderful his teeth looked. They shine in the sun and they're so straight and perfect and... I blink and look away to snap out of it.

My brothers reluctantly let me go today. Before they let me leave I had to confirm way more than once that we were just there to study and nothing else. If it weren't for mom they probably wouldn't let me go.

After I slightly convinced them, Martin and Beck wouldn't stop teasing me saying that Sam was probably going to try and kiss me and tell me that he likes me. Thinking about that, my cheeks turned more red. 

They don't know what Sam looks like but they've already stereotyped him, saying because he's smart he's a nerd therefore in their words, ugly.

They probably think he has braces and glasses. Even Lane stereotyped him, but Sam doesn't look like that at all. He has light brown hair and beautiful light green eyes, not to mention his perfect teeth.

He's also very athletic. He plays on almost all the boys sports teams except for wrestling. I don't blame him, the clothes that the wrestling team has to wear are scary. It makes anyone look weird.

Most freshmen didn't make the teams this year but he was one of the few who did. I guess that means he's pretty good.

I snap out of my thoughts when a hand waves in front of my face. "Are you okay?" Sam asks

"Oh- yeah I'm fine." I say

He smirks. "You look flustered."

"I'm not." I confidently say

"Oh?" He says. I can hear the mockery in his voice but I ignored it.

"That's right. I just remembered that I haven't made my order yet and we can't start until I do." I say

"Is that why you were staring into space?" He asks

I nod. "Yep."

"Are you going to get hot chocolate this time?" He asks

"I think I'm going to try the Frappuccino again." I say

"I told you you would like it." He says smugly

I roll my eyes and get to place my order. After that I sat back down and reached for a deck of flash cards we made last time we were here.

"I'll test you first." I say, holding up the cards "Ready?"

He nods and we begin. We test each other a couple of times before deciding to move on to the next thing.

While Sam and I clean up the flash cards, Sam suddenly stops and I see his eyes shift to the door. I don't have to turn around to know someone has entered the cafe because I heard the bell.

"Are those some of your brothers?" My head shoots up at Sam's words

I look at him and he nods his head to the door telling me to turn around. Sure enough three of my brothers are standing next to the door.

Miles, Beck, and Kade stand at the front counter ordering something. I look back at Sam with my eyes wide.

"We have to get out of here." I say quickly

Sam gave me a sympathetic smile. "It's a little too late for that, they're walking our way."

"What!? I just turned around and they were-"

"Hi Hazel."

I turn around quickly and put on an uneasy smile. "Hi Beck."

"Do you mind if we sit here?" Kade asks

"Actually we're-"

Before I finish Miles pushes me over and him and Beck sit down next to me while Kade scatters all our papers and sits next to Sam.

"I like this booth." Kade says while shifting around on the seat.

"Unfortunately it's made for four people which means you all can't sit here, sorry." I say trying to push them out of the seat.

"We're making it work Hazel, chill." Miles says push me back

"Is this thing the nerd you've been studying with?" Miles asks pointing to Sam

"NERD!?" Sam exclaims offended

Kade leans closer to Sam to study his face and frowns. "You're not ugly."

"Uh, thank I guess." Sam says nervously scratching the back of his head

Kade glares. "I don't like that."

"Me neither." Beck adds

"Yeah, I agree. Hazel I thought you said he was smart." Miles says

"He is, that's why he's helping me study." I say

Miles shrugs and whispers something to Beck who smirks. They better not ruin this for me. I need to study.

Once they get their stuff they order they start eating and talking really loudly, making it hard for us to focus on studying.

"You know what Hazel? We actually didn't know we would run into you and you're not ugly looking nerd friend at this cafe." Beck says

I force myself not to react. They knew where I was going and I'm sure they've come here on purpose. 

"Are you going to finish that?" Kade asks Sam as he points to his dessert

"Yes." Sam says

Kade shrugs and takes it. "Too bad"

"Can you guys leave now?" I ask

"We haven't even finished our food yet." Miles says

"Well we have, so let us out so we can leave." I say

"Where're you guys going?" Beck asks

"None of your business." I snap

"Then I guess we can't let you leave." Beck says

"Too bad it's not your decision." I say

I pack up our papers and climb over the seat. Sam follows and we walk out of the cafe. Sam and I both grab our bikes and get on them.

"I'm sorry about that, I didn't know they were coming." I say

He laughs "That's alright. Do you want to keep studying? We haven't gone over everything."

"Do you have another place where we could go?" I ask

He thinks for a moment before nodding. "Yeah, we could go to my house. Other than my mom no one's there so it'll be quiet."

"Okay, give me a second"

I take out my phone and text my mom telling her where I'm going and she says it's okay. My mom says that I always have to text her or one of my brothers before going somewhere.

I put my phone in my pocket before following Sam as we rode our bikes to his house.

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