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The first thing I wake up to is a high pitched scream. Cole shuffles in his sleeping bag and jolts up. I sit up to and he turns to look at me.

"What was that?" Cole asks me

I shrug. "It sounded like a rooster mixed with a donkey."

Cole frowns his eyebrow but before he says something we hear the scream again. Our heads turn to the entrance of our tent. 

Cole gets out of his sleeping bag and stands up. "Where are you going?" I ask him

"To see who's yelling like they've got no tomorrow." Cole says

He walks out of the tent and the flaps of the tent close behind him. I look at the entrance before standing up and going out of it to. When I walk out I see that almost everyone else is out here looking sleepy.

We hear a scream again and all our heads turned to Lane and Martin's tent. Lane runs out of the tent, jumping up and down and hitting himself.

"bug, bug, BUG!" He yells

Martin walks out calmly and stretches before letting out a huff of laughter. "What a wonderful way to wake up."

"What happened?" Emily asks

"There was a moth in our tent. It was Lane's nose when he woke up." Martin says before he laughs again. "You should've seen him."

"Where'd he go?" I ask

Everyone looks around. Lane is nowhere in sight.

"He'll probably be back sometime today." Miles says

"What day is it." Kade asks

We look at him confused. "Sunday?"

"Oh, yeah. I lost track of time." Kade says

"How? We only spent a night in the tents." Martin says

"I dunno." Kade says

"What time is it?" Cole asks

Miles takes out his phone. "8:45"

"I have to get going." Emily says

We all say bye to her and she leaves.  "Let's head inside. I want breakfast." Martin says

"Where's Beck?" I ask

"Oh, he said it was too early to get up so he's still sleeping." Miles says

When we get inside Cole starts making breakfast and the rest of us head to our room. When I get in mine, I jump onto my bed and hug my blankets. I never thought I'd miss my bed this much.

As I lay on my bed I remember that today's the day I'll get to see my sensei again today. I can't wait. Cole was busy today so Lane said he would drive me to the hospital, which was very nice of him.

When Lane comes to pick me up he's going to take me, Miles, Kade, and Beck to the arcade. Kade and him had a bet and Lane lost so Kade got to ask him for whatever he wanted. 

His request was for Lane to go to the new arcade with us and pay for all of us to. Lane is going to be broke after this.

Lane hates arcades, he always has bad luck when he goes. The machines always take his coins. Maybe they don't like him, knowing him he probably did something.

I going to spend the most money, I always do. That's what Beck says. But in my defense, it's not everyday when your brother agrees to let you use as much of his money as you want at an arcade, might as well take advantage of it. 

I get off of my bed and decide to take a shower before heading down to breakfast. 

We didn't eat together this morning, I sat in the living room and turned on the TV. Cole ate in the kitchen, Lane and Kade sit in the living with me, and the rest of my brothers went somewhere else.

"Nice to see you've returned." Kade says smirking

Lane rolls his eyes. "If you saw that moth, you would've been scared to."

Kade laughs. "Really!?" he says with huge eyes, you could hear the sarcasm in his voice.

"Shut up."  Lane grumbles

"Or what?" Kade asks

Lane takes a grape from his plate and pops it in his mouth before shooting it at Kade. It hit Kade in the face and then fell on the floor.

I look at Kade and laugh at his shocked face. Lane laughs too and after about five seconds Kade grabs a piece of his scrabbled egg and throws it at Lane.

It lands in Lane's surprisingly messy hair. I didn't notice that his hair was so messy before. He hates when it's not neat, he usually wake up with neat hair. He hates when his hair is messy. 

Lane take the piece of scrabbled egg out of his hair and looks at it. This time Kade and I are the ones who are laughing.

Lane stands up and grabs his glass full of milk, walking toward the couch me and Kade are sitting on. Oh no. I get up quickly and move away from the couch, taking my breakfast plate with me.

Kade, who is too busy laughing doesn't notice Lane walking towards him and a cold glass of milk. Lane stands in front of Kade and dumps the milk onto his head. Kade's once dry hair was know dripping with milk.

Kade looks taken aback as he looks up at Lane through his wet hair. His mouth hangs open. The milk is all over the him and the couch.

Mom is not going to be happy.

Lane smirks triumphantly. "I think you hair's a little wet." he says

Kade takes his plate of food and before Lane can run away and rubs it in his hair. Why in the living room? This is where we all hang out.

"You idiot." Lane yells

"You did it first." Kade says

Lane take his plate of food and dumps it on Kade's head. "Than I guess I should finish it."

Kade runs to the kitchen. "Where are you going?" I yell

"To get more food." Kade says

"I'm going too." Lane says

I run behind them and stand at the kitchen door. "Don't you think if we ran out of food it's a sign to stop?" I ask

Kade grabs a case of raw eggs. "I have to win!"

He start throwing eggs at Lane and Lane runs out of the kitchen knocking me over in the process.

"HEY!" I yell but they don't pay attention to me

I stand up and make my way to the staircase. "Guys, I'm going to be in my room. Lane meet me down here in like an hour and a half so we can leave. Don't forget to clean up your mess when you guys are done. Bye."

I hope they don't ruin the entire living room.

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